Chapter Four: Max Come Home

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Max stared out the window of the car and into the police station watching David be overly enthusiastic as he talked to the man, while Gwen stood there and shook her head from time to time. Sometimes saying something that would get a laugh or nod. She didn't like small talk, especially with cops but she threw this one a bone. Although, thanks to Mr. Campbell and his illegal activities she was use to speaking to police officers and FBI agents. She was also use to and enjoyed when they shot at the man.

Carefully and with more caution than needed, Max hid Mr. Honeynuts in the bottom of his book bag and headed back into the building. Honestly, Max didn't believe anything would happen.

David wouldn't be able to file a report or get custody of him. The police wouldn't care or find any evidence of something being wrong and Max would have to go straight back home to his parents. Most likely never seeing David or Gwen again.

But what if David actually managed to do it?

It was a weird thought. His parents finally put in their place after treating him so bad for so long now. David and Gwen taking care of him.


Living with David? Yeah, right. Summer camp was bad enough. It'd be nightmare to actually live with the guy but than again, it would be so much worse going home to his mom and dad.

Waking into the building, head hung low and eye contact avoided, his entrance caused everyone to stop taking and go quiet. No one said a word for nearly a minute before Max finally said, "so am I going to a home where people actually remember feed me or not?" It hadn't been a joke but Max tried play it off as one. Still, no one found it funny.

"Max..." David had started most likely to tell him off for that kind of comment but Gwen put her hand on his shoulder. He nodded and let her walk pass him to better lean down and say something to Max. He assumed she was trying gently break the news of David's plan failing, unsurprisingly.

Gwen's tone came out soft but serious. "Max can I talk to you in private?" The question hadn't been what he expected but slowly nodded following her to a hallway with nobody but them in it.

"So what's the deal? Did the big idiot's plan fail?" Max said, bitterly divided between actually wanting live with them over his parents and never wanting saying it out loud. He didn't want sound like a scared baby asking for help but he was thankful. Maybe if all things go well he'll say thank you or at least say it for them trying. Trying to help Max was more than his parents did since he was five.

"Mr. Smith, the police officer, said he will do his best to help us but you have to talk him about how your parents treated you and that you want David to take custody of you." She sounded dead serious and Max knew that Gwen cared about him enough to make sure he understood that his situation wasn't a laughing matter and that he couldn't make his off-brand humor remarks.

"You need behave and be honest. He's going question you and the more information on your parents, the better. Can you do that for us?" Gwen had been bent down to Max's level with her knees close to chest and hands on top of them. She had never spoken to Max like this and it made him feel uneasy but he trusted her. "Okay."

"Thanks ya little shit," she said with a smile and playful punched his arm. They walked back and David had a worried face, eyes focused on Max until Gwen walked over to him changing his expression to more sympathetic.

"Alrighty, young man! Come with me." Mr. Smith said cheerfully. He almost chilled out with the happy vibes but Max could still feel it. Max could still feel that "I don't cry myself to sleep" joy on the police officer. And if he did do that than he was good at hiding it.

It was two hours later that Max, Gwen, and David were allowed to leave with temporary custody. For one week, they were able to have Max in their care until the court date against his parents. The dreaded day was too close for comfort, Max hoped that he wouldn't have see his parents because he knew if he saw them, there still be that small part of him that would love them. That little sliver of unconditional love that he kept telling himself they didn't deserve.

But than again, they were his parents so they had to care about him even a little, right? They gave him Mr. Honeynuts after all so they didn't completely hate him. Maybe it was his fault they were like that, he could be unbearable at times.

Following Gwen and David outside to the car after saying their goodbyes and thank yous to the cop, Max started to feel that unreasonable weight of guilt that everything was his fault and he was being unfair to his neglectful parents. His mind went onto a dark train of thought as he fell asleep leaning on the car door.

Gwen laid back in her seat with her arms behind her head and sighed, "do you think we'll be any good raising him?" She asked. She was being unusually calm but it had been because of pills that kept her from panicking, and of course David helped. She thought she'll just freak out peacefully in her room alone that night. She was still a little more than shaken and her stomach twisted in knots.

David was somewhat scared at first but he loved and would do anything for Max. He wanted him to be genuinely happy one day. The ten year old deserves that much out of life. He deserves to understand the feeling of a living home. David thought Max deserves better and was willing to do everything in his power to give him that much and more.

David fixed his review mirror and adjusted it to see Max curled up into a ball, sound asleep. He smiled at the slow raise and fall of his chest as he breathed. Readjusting the mirror back into place. "I think we'll do just fine. Do you mind getting Mr. Honeynuts out of his bag and giving it to him? It helps him sleep better." David said in a soft hum voice. Keeping his eyes on the road as he made a left to leave the old water back town that the camp was close too.

"Uh, yeah. Sure thing" Gwen replied as she reached over and gave him the bear. Max's sleeping form took it happily and hugged it tightly scared to ever let go like it was his lifeline. Gwen half smiled at him and hesitated for a moment before ruffling his hair.

"You better be grateful that we care so much, ya little shit." She said in a shush tone but David had still heard and his gentle smile grew some more slightly.

"Language, Gwen."

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