Chapter 1

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There's this saying "There's no place like home." Home is suppose to be a place where you feel safe, where you can be yourself, and feel comfortable. I use to be able to call Japan my home but now it's like an unknown area to me. I would say that I don't feel like I am at home. This place I'm living in, it's called hell.

Fang's POV

Walking around Japan around the evening time tends to be very calming. The crispy cool air against your skin, and the faint sounds of cars passing by. Before you know it you could get lost in your own thoughts. That's what usually happens, but tonight was...different. For a little while it was calming walking around, but then something happened. As I turned the corner I ran into a fight. A group of men were beating up on this scrawny looking blonde guy. The scrawny blonde guy wasn't really trying to fight back. Actually he was just laying on the ground curled up in a ball. My head said don't get involved.

"I hope I don't regret this," I murmured to myself.
As I got closer to the group I could here them talking to the guy on the ground.
"You think your so tough don't you," one of the guys said before kicking him in the ribs.
"Where's your King now?" the other one questioned.
"How about you leave the poor guy alone," I chimed in with my arms folded across my chest.
"Oh yeah," the guy who kicked him said, "whose going to stop us?"
"You're looking at her," I replied.
"You know girls like you," one guy began flipping his switch blade, "get cut."

Next thing you know the guy charges at me, with his knife. As he swung his arm out at me, I put my arm out and grabbed it. The knife was only a few inches away from my face. I tightened my grip on his wrist, and twisted it like it was some sort of cap. He dropped the knife and yelped in pain from his wrist being broken.
"She just broke, Tomo's wrist," one of the guy exclaimed frightened.
"You bitch I'll get you for this," the Tomo guy wailed running away with the others.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the guy on the ground. He had moved his hands away from his face at some point. He looked up at me as I stared down at him.
"Are you okay?" I questioned putting my hand down towards him.
"Uh yeah," he chuckled lightly, "I'm use to it you know."
"Um no I don't really know," I replied, "anyways do you need help getting to like your house or even like a doctors maybe?"
"No I'll be fine thank you," he said getting off his feet.
"Yeah no problem," I said, "well I better be off now."
"Okay! Thanks again Miss," he chimed as I was walking away.

So the poor guys use to it huh. That's sad to hear. I can't imagine him living a very happy life, but then again he does seem like a cheerful person therefore you never really know.

~ Time Jump ~

I sat there at the bar as Haku served me. The club was packed with a bunch of people tonight. I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be.

"You've only been back a week Fang, and you're already breaking people's wrist" Haku said shacking his head in disapproval.
"I'm sorry did you want me to let the guy get the life beaten out of him?" I asked raising an eyebrow out of curiosity.
"No I guess not," Haku mumbled.
Haku twenty two year old bar tender, who also happens to be my good friend. I've known Haku since high school. Great guy, very smart. Not really a big flirt but when he finds a girl he likes, let me tell ya he'll do his best to impress. Haku is like a brother to me and he's always there.
"Just be careful Fang," Haku added, "you know what it's like around here."
"Yes I know," I hissed, "I don't need the reminder."
"Geez Haku, why don't you give her a break," Tilly chimed in.
"See Tilly gets it," I replied with a smirk on my face.

He just shook his head and walked away. I turned my attention back towards my purple haired friend. She had this huge smile on her face as she watched me.
"God I missed having you here," she squealed.
Tilly was twenty year old waitress. I also knew her since high school. Tilly was kind of a girly girl. She's wise, and a bit annoying at times but she makes great for a friend. Tilly reminds me of my sister here and there.
"I missed you too," I said, "even that annoying squealing of yours."
"You're so mean," she pouted.
"I know," I chuckled.
Tilly's pouting face turned into a smile again.
"Well would you look at that," she exclaimed, "you've only been home a week and a really cute guy is coming this way to talk to you!"
"What?" I said with confusing.

All of a sudden there was a tap on my shoulder blade. I turned my head to find the guy who I had helped over two hours ago standing besides me. Is this kid stalking me now?

"Hi again," he chimed.
"Are you following me?" I asked.
"What! No! No at all!" he stammered.
"Then what on Earth are you doing here?" I questioned as I took a sip of my margarita.
"Actually my friends are here," he answered, "which is weird because we could easily just hang out at the bar my friend owns."
"I see," I murmured against the rim of my glass.
"I noticed you when I walked in and I just wanted to say thanks again," the blonde said.
"Well don't mention it," I replied.
"Oh and I never caught your name earlier," he added, "mines Tatara Totsuka. Whats yours?"

I turned my full body towards him and stared him down. What is up with this guy? Does he want something from me? Is this really all because I saved him?
"Why do you want to know so bad?" I questioned.
"To tell my friends how great you are," he answered nervously rubbing the back of his neck, "and I just really like meeting new people."

Before I could say anything. There was a noise coming from the bar. I turned my head to find Tilly staring at us. She had this goofy looking grin spread across her face. What in the world has gotten into her? All of a sudden she placed her hand on mine.
"Fang," she chimed, "be nice to the guy and tell him your name."
"You kind of already did that," I said rolling my eyes.
"Just be nice," she said walking away.

My attention was back on the blonde haired man besides me. I guess I really have no choice but to talk to the kid. I mean I could ignore him until he goes away, but something tells me that's not going to happen.
"Fang O'tara," I answered.
"That's a pretty name," he smiled, "so Fang have you lived around here long?"
"Yes but I left three years ago," I explained, "now here I am again."
"Oh really. Why did you leave?" he asked.
"Long story," I replied taking another sip of my drink.
"Well I got time," he added, "that is if you don't mind sharing."
"Sure, why not," I mumbled rolling my eyes.
"Great!" he exclaimed excitedly, "Let's begin!"
"Well two things made me leave. One I was in love with this guy who meant everything to me. I was fascinated by him. I wanted to be around him all the time. He didn't talk much and he didn't really express his feelings very well either, but here and there I could see how much he cared about me. That was until the bastard decided to go and cheat on me," I explained to Tatara, "I was so heartbroken from it. I couldn't bare it. To top it all of right before I found out there accident. I ended up in the hospital. I was badly wounded. He stuck by me until I was out of there and that's when he told me that he had been cheating on me for the past four months. Between him and the accident I was just torn to pieces. Everything hurt, and I didn't want to be anywhere in or near Japan anymore, so once I was better I packed up and left."
"That's so sad," Tatara replied quietly.
"Eh. Shit happens I guess." I mumbled running my hand through my hair.
"That your ex sounds like a terrible guy," he said.
"Yeah. I wonder how his clan things is going," I muttered, "I mean he was a King after all."

I took another sip of my drink and then turned back towards Tatara. He had this really weird look on his face. It was a mixture of shock, and excitement. I really couldn't tell what was going through this guys head.
"Did you say King?" he asked.
"Uh yeah," I replied nodding my head.
"What King?" he questioned.
"The Red King," I answered.

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