Chapter 3

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                        Fang's POV

                When I woke up this morning I decided to go visit an old friend. I figured it would be good to visit a familiar face that wasn't Mikoto or Izumo. As much as I miss Izumo, I really don't feel like going to his bar. I know Mikoto will be there, and I have absolutely no desire to see him.

                Here I am sitting in Reisi Munakata's office. Reisi is not only head of Scepter 4, but he is also the Blue King. Reisi and I have been friends since high school. He's a gentleman and a great leader. As I sat there waiting for him to get off the phone, I examined his office. Reisi sat in a big fancy chair, with red fabric. The carpet was a faded red with some sort of yellow design around the boarder. The window helped brighten up the room.

        "I wasn't expecting to see you anytime soon Fang" Reisi said hanging up the phone.

        "Yeah I came back a week ago," I began as I fiddled with a strand of hair, "I figured I need to visit those I haven't seen for sometime now."

        "Ah I see," he replied as he adjusted his glasses, "so does that mean you went and visited Suoh?"

        "Nope" I replied folding my arms.

        "Now whys that?" He questioned.

        "I have no desire to see that bastard," I snapped slamming my hands on his desk.

                All of a sudden, Reisi started chuckling. I didn't understand why at all.

        "You're lying," he stated, "as soon as I mentioned Mikoto you cheeks turned a bight red."

        "I am not" I protested, "I don't want to see him! I hate him! If I just so happen to run into that jerk I plan to give him a knuckle sandwich."

                Reisi sat there for a few minutes staring at me. Something must have caught his eye. I won't lie it was making me very uncomfortable.

        "What are you staring at?!" I hissed.

        "Fang," Reisi sighed, "you say you hate Suoh so much, then why do you still have that on your finger?"

                I looked down at my left hand, there on my ring finger was the ring Mikoto had given me years ago. It was a silver ring with a beautiful, shimmery, diamond. The metal curved above and below the diamond, it was as if it was protecting it. This ring was my engagement ring. Mikoto was not just my ex boyfriend but my ex fiance. Now that I think about it, I left that part out from Tatara. I sighed not wanting to remember the moment he asked me to marry him.

        "You shouldn't lie to yourself Fang," Reisi spoke as he adjusted his glasses once again.

        "I told you I'm not lying," I mumbled slouching in my seat, trying to just sink into the seat and forget that I was even here at this point.

        "Are you back because you miss home?" Reisi questioned, "or are you here to visit someone?"

        "Neither," I answered, "I have business to take care of."

        "Fang," Reisi began but I cut him off because I knew he knew the real reason I why I'm here.

        "I got to go," I said getting up and heading for the door, "it was nice seeing you Reisi. We'll have to catch up some more next time."

                I left before he could even say anything to me. I walked out the door and into the hallway. There were a few members of scepter 4 making there way towards me. They probably had something important to tell Reisi. I took a step to the side and let them pass. Both of them smiled at me, and then walked in. I then continued down the hallway and towards the elevator. I was ready to leave. I pressed the button calling the elevator. I stood there watching it jump from 1 to 5.

A Lovely Shade of Red ~ Mikoto SuohWhere stories live. Discover now