Chapter 2

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When I emerged from the building the next morning, the vampire was gone. Curtis went his own merry way to work and I trudged to the train station. As I sat on the train, my body moved with the movement of the car, my thoughts were wandering. The security firm didn't call me last night which meant our vampire friend didn't break into the clinic. This was an interesting thought, usually they at least tried. Maybe he was waiting for me to let my guard down, maybe he hoped that after a while I'd go back to normal security and he'd have his easy access. It was a real pain, security was expensive and there was little profit in this place from what I had been told. Of course, I had no clue about the profits, that wasn't part of my job. I unlocked the door and as I opened the door I was shocked. He was sitting in the waiting room.

"Morning." he grinned.

As he waved his fingers at me, I saw the hand cuff that was around his wrist, the other to the arm of the chair.

"What are you doing here?"

I punched the code into the panel and flicked on the lights. As I turned around I shrieked, he was right behind me. He grabbed my wrist and put the handcuff on it, clicking it tight.

"There." he grinned again, wide eyed. "Now we are getting somewhere."

He lifted his hand, mine went with it. This was new, I'd never had this happen before. I looked at our handcuffed wrists and squinted at him.

"I can't tell you who it is. You are wasting your time and mine."

He shrugged looking at the door that had just opened. Rita was standing their completely mortified.

"Look." he grinned as he lifted our arms "We are going to become best friends."

"No, we are not. Where is the key?"

"In my pants." he winked at me. "Want to go fishing?"

"No. Unlock the cuffs or I'll call the cops."

"Not if you can't reach a phone."

"Rita call the cops."

She scurried past us toward the secured section of the clinic.

"Rita..." the vampire purred "Come here."

Rita stopped and turned, her eyes filled with pure lust as she sauntered to him. With his free hand he flicked her hair away from her neck and shoulder and trailed her jaw. She looked up at him with big doe eyes, a tiny smile cracked across her lips as a low moan emanated from her.

"You don't need to call the cops, do you Rita?"

"No." she breathed as she fluttered her eyes at him.

"That's a good girl, now why don't you go and find out that information that I want?"

I watched as she moved away, still in a trance.

"You're wasting your breath. I wiped the file yesterday."

His head snapped around to me, anger filling his face. Clearly he thought this would be easy.

"You think you're the first to walk in here demanding to know donor information."

"Of course." he smiled, the anger disappearing "Maybe we should begin again. I am Noah."

He waited patiently for me to respond.

"Not going to happen."

"Fine." he sniffed "I don't need your name anyway."

Noah looked directly into my eyes.

"Tell me who the donor is."

"Are we going to have this conversation every day Noah?"

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