Chapter 4

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The tunnel led to the other side of the field, we had walked for some time before we reached it. We were now on the outskirts of the city, a long line of people that were slipping in between trees trying to remain as hidden as possible. I didn't know who the invader was here, whether it was another vampire causing problems or if was my darling, soon to be ex-boyfriend. Whoever it was, it was enough for the entire commune to vacate in secret. I could at least see now, although the light wasn't much better here. As we walked along the edge of a river, I toyed with the necklace hanging around my neck. It was very heavy, a crystal ball pendant, a gift from Linus. Angrily I jerked it from my neck, the fine silver chain snapping. I looked at the ball, its delicate crystals glinting in the limited light. Taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the feelings of hatred caused by the betrayal, I tossed it into the river.

"It's been confirmed." Julius said from behind.

Noah turned and looked at him as we trudged over the tree roots and damp leaf littered forest floor.

"One of his cronies."

"Yes. A team of Tim's men."

I stopped as I looked to Julius who had been walking ahead of me.


"Tim, his second in charge."

"Rita's boyfriend." I gasped

"Yes, I checked with Curtis." he said as we began to walk again "That was the fellow he saw driving the bus. I also received some disturbing information just prior to the alarm going off." he looked at us with a little concern "Our source has found out that they know that you were at the farm Veronica, how they know is strange, they don't have security cameras, yet they knew you were there."


"No, there was no mention of him."

"Tracking on my phone?"

"Yes, it seems likely. Do you still have it on you?"

"No." I groaned "I left it at the commune."

I hated being without my phone, it felt like I was naked without it. Noah stopped and lifted his head, looking back from where we had just walked. He wrapped his arm around my waist, defensively pulling me to his side. My skin prickled, as my heart beat just a little more rapidly, something was wrong.

"Out for a midnight walk vampire?" a deep male voice cooed in the darkness.

"What's it to you?" Noah snarled as Julius began to usher the group away in a hurry.

"Oh you know how it is, we are a curious lot."

"Step out of the shadows and stop the childish games."

"Now why would you want that?"

His malevolent chuckle rang through the trees, swirling around us, biting at us. I knew this was no human that was toying with us and I had my doubts about it being a vampire too.

"Why the mass exodus? Humans got you on the run again, vampire?"

What or whoever he was took a step, a branch cracked under his weight, pressing down into the wet leaf litter. All I could see was a pair of highly polished wing tips in the moonlight, the rest of his figure shadowed by the canopy of the trees.

"And yet you have one with you. Interesting."

I could hear him sniffing, repeated short and sharp sniffs followed by a low dark chuckle.

"Once claimed the bond is now broken, tut tut vampire, leaving such a valuable human unclaimed. Better be quick..." he stepped back into the darkness "You never know who is lurking nearby."

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