Chapter 10

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I woke with a terrible headache, far worse than any all-night bender with Curtis. Peeling my eyes open to the quiet room, I realised I was still at the club. Only now, everyone was gone. Except of course Curtis was curled up on the centre lounge with a couple of very handsome and fit guys and Sid was asleep, his head on my stomach, his legs entwined in mine. His body was warm which was great considering that it was just a little cold and I was very naked. He was right when he said that live feeding like nothing I had ever had. It made me insatiable, lusting for more. I was yet to learn control and it made me fear about the dark vampire that was within me, fearing she might break free and feed freely on the humans. Feed so freely that she might just forget to stop. Did I want to learn control? I wanted control, but not of the lust for blood but control of my life. The lies that plagued this town was ridiculous and petty. All because vampires were controlled by the council, which was controlled by the werewolves. And after seeing Julius and Amelia at the blood farm, I'm betting that somebody has decided to get himself a slice of that particular pie. The whole charade was hurtful; I really did like Noah. Even though I had barely known him, I had grown quite fond of him. But was that because I had fallen for the soul mate thing and instantly taken to him without question? I hadn't ever fed on Noah, so I had no clue as to how his blood tasted. But last night I had fed from Sid and he had fed from me, our blood was dried all over our bodies in a lust filled frenzy that riled our lust for each other. It was, without a doubt the best sex I had ever had. I will never forget staring into those eyes, as he hovered over me, they seemed to glow brighter than any other time.

But what now? I had heard vampires talk of soul mates and foul tasting blood, was it an old wives' tale in the vampire's world? Noah hadn't exactly escaped my mind, I wanted to know if he knew about the fire before it happened. What was the purpose of killing me if they did want me dead? Was I a liability? And what of Curtis, what did he do to them to deserve death? Was he their target or merely a casualty by association? If that was the case, I truly felt sorry for him. He was told he was loved, he turned into a vampire to be with that person who turned out to be a liar. Love was hard to find for anyone in this world and as much as Curtis is very outgoing, he harbours some very dark opinions about himself. I have only ever wanted the best for him, he has been there for me when I needed someone to hug me, to tell me that everything was going to be ok. When my parents died in a car crash a couple of months ago, he was there for me. It was sad to say, but even Linus was there for me. I hadn't given him enough credit. Sure he was a cheat and a liar but when it came to being a boyfriend, he was very good at it.

I laid on the lounge, feeling the soft velvet underneath me, the warmth of Sid as he pressed against my skin. Wondering about my life. This was it, this was the crossroad of my life. One path led to the light, returning to the bags of blood and hiding in the shadows, pretending that I truly am dead. Then there was the dark path, live feeding and finding revenge on those that wanted me dead. What did I want to choose? I had always been the good girl, good grades in school, well behaved only child in a middle income family from the suburbs. I didn't do drugs, I only drank with Curtis, my best friend. He was my family now, without any siblings and parents that are dead, I had no one else. I used to have a vampire that claimed he was my soul mate, his family seemed ok but it was a lie. For some unknown reason they wanted me dead. Hooking up with Noah was about the most rebellious thing I had ever done until last night. I grinned, last night was a true rebellion for me. I had fed from a human, drank blood and had sex with a man, in a room full of other people who were doing exactly the same thing. I was already on the dark path; I just didn't realise it until now.

I didn't trust anyone any more, with exception of Curtis of course. So when we decided to collect our things from our apartments, we were very nervous. Curtis' place was easy, he entered the apartment through a window, the lock had been broken for months now and he had been too lazy to get around to fixing it. Now he was grateful for his laziness. As he collected a few important things, I stood as the sentinel, hiding in the shadows of the morning mist. It was light and filled with a few droplets of rain. Sid had loaned me a hooded jacket, it helped hide me and kept me dry. Ten minutes later Curtis was beside me, everything that was important to him at this point in his life was in one little bag. To him that was a few clothes, a crumpled photo of his parents and his brother and that was it. I figured my bag would be the same too. Next was my apartment which was the problem. I knew that a vampire had been in my apartment, someone had collected my clothes the night I was taken to the commune. The other problem was that there was only one door into my apartment, the only other options were windows that were near on impossible and the balcony. I wouldn't have bothered except I had my cash stash in there and I wanted it to start a new life. In fact, I needed it. So with that thought in mind, I pulled the corridor window back and gently pulled the dodgy security screen out of the frame. I looked down to the ground trying to ignore the rising panic in my mind. Sid had reassured me that even if I did fall, I would be fine. He said it was likely that I'd even land on my feet but I wasn't prepared to find out. This was the second floor; the drop would be harsh if I did survive it. I edged out the frame and looked over to my balcony, in between was the rain water down pipe. Grabbing onto it I begged it to hold on, to not let go of the building with my weight. I flicked my leg out, steadying it on the concrete pad in between the metal rungs. My hand shook as I reached out for the balustrade, hoping to not have to take a leap of faith. The cold metal froze my skin, I gripped onto it hard, forcing my body to it. I flung myself over the balustrade and laid on the concrete, staring at the balcony above, waiting for my heart to stop its furious thumping. Now all I had to do was get in and not die. If that was possible.

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