Chapter 11

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Curtis had slowly edged his way closer to Stuart who was none the wiser. He had a sly look on his face as he looked at me, the one that said, this guy is mighty fine, I'd like to get to know him better. I loved cheeky Curtis, he was a laugh to be around and always brightened my life. But as Stuart looked at me, reality sunk back in. Something very sinister was going on and I was the centre of all this fuss, I knew it.

"What about my parents?"

"How much do you know of how they met, what they were, what happened after you were conceived?"

"Uh, not a lot. What do you mean what they were?" I squinted at him.

"Ok, so I'll go right back to the beginning. Your mother was sixteen when she ran away from home, well, we both did."

"Whoa, hit the brakes. What did you just say?"

He grinned at me.

"Just call me your dear old uncle Stu."

"Oh my gawd." Curtis gaped.

"You're my uncle?"


"But my mother never mentioned you."

"That was for a reason, which I will get to. At the time of running away, she was sixteen, I was seventeen. We were both human and were sick of being dominated by our pious parents. A side note on them, yes they are still alive and no it's not worth your time seeking them out. I tried it once after a few years of being away from them, let's just say being a vampire to them is along the same lines as being gay."

"Ok, so no grandparents then."

"So after we ran away we lived on the streets for about a month before we came across a vampire who took us in and turned us, set us up in a modest place and made life reasonable. It all came at a price of course. I was made to do menial duties and your mother was a sex slave for the vampire. I wanted to tear him apart, your mother was so young and naive, she thought he loved her but he didn't. He took her innocence and left her a bitter husk of hatred. One day we were sent into town to collect the blood stock and while I was in trying to get the best possible price your mother sat outside on the park bench. It was a little scam we had running, our master sent us out to buy a certain quantity of bags, expecting a certain price, he gave us the exact money. I sweet talked the woman behind the desk into a lower price and skimmed the difference for our rainy day fund. If it was a man behind the desk your mother would go in and flash a bit of cleavage at him. Whilst I was inside she was approached by a young man and they sat and chatted. Your mother was still very innocent to the big wide world; unlike most she could not tell the difference between a vampire or a human or even a werewolf. So she had no clue that the man she was talking to was a werewolf. When I exited the clinic, he said his farewell to your mother and continued on his path, as if nothing was wrong. Your mother and I took the purchases back to our master with one minor side track. It was where we were storing the money. I was smart enough not to keep the money on us, one little slip up like that and our master would have stopped us from collecting the blood. And I didn't want that, we had quite a fund stored in our little hidey hole."

Stuart smiled at me "Are you keeping up?"

I nodded wide eyed, still reeling from the fact that my mother was a vampire, I have an uncle who was also a vampire and grandparents that I had to instantly forget about.

"Good. Now unbeknownst to us our werewolf friend was tracking us, infatuated with the pretty vampire that had been so kind to him, chatted to him and treated him like he was a normal person. Something that is very uncommon for a vampire to do to a werewolf. He watched as we stored the money, followed us back to our master's house and then left."

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