Chapter 7

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God was calling me, the sweet melodic voice of a thousand angels swayed in the breeze as I walked through a field. It wasn't just any field; it was a replica of the field next to the commune. My hand trailed over the wild flowers and the long grass, feeling the soft spring breeze warm my skin. I could hear my name, over and over again as he called out to me, begging me to find my way to him. But the flowers were far too pretty. I touched the petals of one of them, a stunning cerise that felt like velvet. All of the colours of the rainbow, danced in the calming wind. Stalks of grass batted against my hands, gently whipping at me. I plucked the pretty pink flower tucking it above my ear, listening to the angels as they called me, urging me to follow their voices. But I didn't want to, this was paradise and I wanted to stay here forever. It reminded me of Noah's view out the windows, over the field. I laid onto the ground, basking in the sun's warm rays. The warmth that coated me, heating my skin was slowly dissipating as the wind began to drop in temperature. I sat up, feeling cold, wishing I still had my jacket. Frowning as I looked down at my body, I wondered where my jacket was. The wind started to increase, the soft breeze was now harsh and cruel, cold and unforgiving. I shivered, the ground around me began to get colder and colder. The flowers were now standing still, wrapped in ice. As I stood from the ground, the flowers and stalks of grass around me shattered, tinkling to the ground like glass. I wrapped my arms tight to my body as I walked through the frozen wasteland, every step I took I broke the frozen plants. The angels still sang to me, urging me to move toward their voice. Then he spoke to me, God was telling me I had to move to their voices, I had to do as I was told, I had no choice. Follow my voice, come to me Veronica. Over and over again he repeated his mantra. The ground around me started to shake violently, trees that lined the edge of the field fell over as if they had no roots, smashing into the frozen wasteland. It was like a domino effect as a wave of frozen flowers and grass washed over, smashing more and more in its path. Ice was being hurled through the wind from every direction. I ran toward the sun, a bright ball of burning light, the only place that wasn't flinging deadly sharp ice at me.

I choked on liquid as I sat up, coughing and spluttering warm goo as I looked around. Noah was beside the lounge, looking like he'd aged a thousand years in the span of a few seconds. Julius was behind him looking a little concerned, Harry was obviously trying to comfort Curtis but clearly not doing a very good job by the look that was on his face. And Curtis, my best friend since the first day of school looked far worse than anyone in the room, me included. When he saw me, he pushed Noah out of his way and wrapped his arms around me blubbering something about how stupid I was.

"What happened?" I croaked as I wiped the liquid from my chin.

Then I looked at it, it was blood.

"Oh my god."

I wiped it again beginning to freak out.

"She took it all, where did this come from?"

"Donor stock mostly." Julius interjects. "Your turn was started and then we began to return the blood to your system."

He gestured to the long line drip that was still stuck in my arm that I hadn't noticed. It was filled with blood, a long line of red, the bag at the end was held by Amelia.

"You were attacked by a werewolf Veronica, luckily for you she thought that she had killed you but by some miracle she hadn't. Although it was lucky that we came looking for you when we did, too much longer and none of this would have worked."

"Linus sent her." I whispered sadly.

"Are you sure of that?" Julius frowned at me.

"When she was walking away she said, Linus sends his regards, says he hopes you enjoy your stay in hell. He wanted me dead."

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