Tragic Wednesday

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*Bella's POV*

Staying clear of Justin became all the more hard, because he wouldn't leave me alone.

"Bella, I'm begging you, please don't transfer to a different school." He pleaded.

"Justin, for the hundredth time, no matter how much you beg, I won't change my mind." I groaned.

"I'm tired of you and your sudden clingy behavior. Not to mention that because of you, half the school thinks we're dating. And we're not. Do you know what my parents would say if they thought I was dating a celebrity?"

I was about to say something else when I spotted Bryce walking by and talking with two of his friends.

"Look, I'll talk to you later, okay?" I wrapped up our conversation and rushed over to Bryce.

"Hey Bryce!" I greeted him warmly.

"Oh, hi Bella..." He replied when he saw me.

For some reason, he looked less than pleased to see me.

"Guys, I'll catch up with you later." He said to his friends.

They nodded and continued to walk to class.

"'s everything lately?" I asked with a huge smile on my face.

"Great actually..." He responded, giving me a weak grin.

He's lying.

Something is definitely up with Bryce.

"You look a bit sad." I said in concern.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, there's nothing wrong." He lied again.

Silence built like a wall between us, and the moment became tense.

"It's just that, I don't know, I thought you were into me. I know I was into you. And we went on that ice cream date...but I guess I'm only a friend to you, since you're dating Justin now." Bryce continued.

He started to walk away.

"But it's fine, alright? I understand that crushes don't always work out the way you want them to."

"Bryce, wait!" I called out after him.

He stopped and glanced at me.

"Justin and I...we're not dating, that's just a stupid rumor." I explained.

"Really? That must be why Zoe said she found you two almost kissing before her biology class." He chuckled humorlessly.

I didn't know what I could've replied to that, so I just stood there in shock.

Bryce spread a fake smile across his face.

"I've gotta get to math class." He said.


I watched him walk away in utter defeat.

I've been crushing on Bryce for so long...and to find out that he had liked me back felt amazing.

But for our friendship to come to such a chaotic end was heartbreaking.

I trudged back to my locker, feeling completely dejected.

Today went from bad to horrible in a matter of minutes.

I just hope it doesn't get any worse.
*Justin's POV*

I secretly watched Bella for all of first period, and I noticed how distracted she looked.

You could even say that she looked a bit sad.

But why?

What happened during that conversation she had with Bryce?

I have to find out.
I waited impatiently in at an empty table in the cafeteria.

How long does it take to walk from a classroom to the lunch room?

The cafeteria's doors finally opened again.

There he is.

I stood up briskly and approached Bryce.

"What do you want?" He inquired in a harsh tone.

"I have a question for you." I spoke.

"What did you say to Bella earlier? She's been moping around all day."

"Look, if Bella sent you to boss me around or whatever, tell her to leave me alone. I don't want you guys snooping around in my business." He answered roughly.

This is new.

I thought Bryce and Bella were friends.

"Bella didn't send me, I'm asking you of my own will." I said.

"Now tell me, what did you say to her?"

"That's personal information. If you really want to know so badly, why don't you go ask Bella?" He frowned.

I glared at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"We're not friends anymore, alright? Is that what you wanted to hear?" He declared.

"Since you two are dating, I'd think you would be glad that she's no longer friends with me."

We're not dating, but I am happy to hear that.

Still, I hated to see Bella upset.

I walked away from Bryce, searching for Bella.

I've got to fix this.

That's the end of Part 15 :)
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