Guzma's a mess honestly

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Guzma followed his usual routine; he'd get up, grab breakfast, and battle at the gym all day. However this particular day, he had gotten up more tired than usual. He could go back to bed, but he knew that a lot of trainers would be coming that day, and he didn't want to disappoint them.

He decided to just grab a coffee on the way to the gym. He had enough time, he just hoped it wasn't too expensive. Just when he was about to give up looking he came across a small yet cosy looking cafe.

"The signs says 'Poké-come on in. How original." he tutted, wondering if it was too late to find another place. A quick glance at his watch told him it was.

He opened the door, greeted with the scent of fresh coffee. The line wasn't too long, he supposed he was too early for any type of morning rush. He tore his eyes away from the glass case of cakes and treats, instead looking up at the drink menus. They were too complicated.

"What is a triple-venti-sweetened-latte with an extra shot of cream?" he wondered out loud. He then realised he took so long trying to find a simple drink that he was now at the front of the queue. His heart stopped when he heard a soft chuckle followed by a voice.

"Honestly I think the names are just for show, it's just an extra large latte with cream." they chuckled again. It was the sweet kind of laugh that Guzma decided he could listen to all day.

"O-oh." Guzma looked at the man who had spoken. He had black hair tied into a bun, green glasses and a white cap with a rainbow symbol. The man, Kukui if he read his name tag correctly, smiled sweetly, asking what he'd like.

"Can I get uhhhhh..." Guzma looked back up to the menu, still deciding, "Do you do like, normal coffee?"

Kukui laughed again, his voice like music to Guzma's ears. "So just a plain black coffee? Or would you like milk and sugar with that?"


"Yes to the milk and the sugar or..?"


Kukui raised an eyebrow, amused by the other man. "How much of each?"

The two people behind him sighed, clearly frustrated.

"Whatever's best." Guzma was cringing at himself.

"Ok, so just a coffee with a bit of milk and one spoon of sugar?"

"Y-yeah. Yes please." he cleared his throat.

"Coming right up." Kukui smiled again, Guzma slightly blushing, and turned to make his drink.

"What the heck is wrong with me?!" Guzma thought, slouching again. When had he straightened his back so much? And was he sweating? "I must look like a mess."

"Here's your drink Sir, I'm assuming you don't want anything else? Except maybe Kukui's number." a different person handed him his drink. She was young, too young to be working there, but obviously old enough to work as an apprentice or assistant of some sort. She had long, blonde hair braided at the front, green eyes, and a name tag reading Lillie.

"W-what? Shut up!" he huffed, his face almost completely pink. He grabbed his drink, dropped the money into the girl's hand and left, still blushing after walking out the door.

It wasn't until he looked down at his cup that he realised someone, hopefully Kukui and not the girl, had written a phone number on the lid.

That one Guzkui Coffee Shop auWhere stories live. Discover now