They're both dorks

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A few hours later Guzma sat in his room, the coffee cup lid with the number on in one hand, his phone in the other. He stared at the screen for what felt like hours until he finally typed in the number under the name Kukui.

Now came the hard part; actually texting him. Or should he call him?

"This is hopeless!" he almost threw the phone across the room, but instead placed it on the table. He fell backwards onto his bed, sighing into the pillow.

Ten minutes or so later he heard a knock on the door. Plumeria entered.

"You okay?" she asked, perching on the side of the bed.

"Mm-hmm." he mumbled, not turning to look.

"I heard you yell from two rooms away."

Guzma sighed again, finally turning to face her. "I need help."

"With what..?" she asked, confused.

He ran a hand through his already messy hair, sitting up on the bed. "This guy I met earlier at the cafe gave me his number -well, I hope it was him anyway- and I dunno what to do." He grabbed his phone and showed her the screen.

She tapped her head in thought for a second before speaking. "Just say hey."

"Yes but h o w?" he sighed once more, exasperated.

"Just be you! Y'know, say 'hey, it's ya boy!' or something."

"What if he thinks that's a weird thing to say? What if I'm not his boy?" Guzma pointed out.

"Hey man, if you're not his boy, then why would he be interested in you?" she shrugged. Guzma was still staring at his phone long after she left the room.

When he woke up the phone was still clutched tightly in his hand. He had somehow wriggled under the covers in the night too, unless Plumeria had come back in.

He felt less tired than yesterday on his way to the gym. He didn't need to go today as it was his day off, but he just wanted to check on the other Team Skull members.

He was still telling himself that as he arrived at the coffee shop.

He ignored the obnoxious Pokémon-pun sign and opened the door, immediately being hit with the same scent of coffee and cakes. Well, hit was how he would have described it the day before. It was more like a blanket swallowing him whole, matching the cosy atmosphere.

Now that he wasn't in such a rush he took in the cafe's appearance; the wallpaper was made to look like wooden planks and a blue carpet covered most of the floor boards, leaving only the bit by the restrooms uncovered. There were many tables, but it didn't look cramped or uncomfortable. Rather than normal lights, glass jars with light bulbs inside hung from the ceiling, paired with the daylight streaming through the window at the front to light the room.

Standing in the line he realised that the terrible sign outside must have meant Pokémon were welcome to be out of their Pokéballs, as there was a teen sat at the back sharing a cake with what looked like a Phantump, a man asleep in a chair next to his (also snoozing) Marowak and a group of kids by the door laughing and chatting with an assortment of starter Pokémon.

This time he was prepared when he got to the front, but he felt like his brain had melted as soon as his eyes locked onto the barista from yesterday.

"Hello again, what can I get you today, Sir?" he asked, smiling his perfect smile.

"HicanIgetacoffeeplease." the worlds tumbled out of his mouth faster than he could control them. He mentally face-palmed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." he giggled. Oh goodness. If Guzma thought his smile was cute hearing him giggle made his face redder than a Charmeleon.

"A coffee, please." Guzma coughed. His eyes panned to the display case and Kukui's eyes followed.

"Did you want a cake with that? They're freshly baked~" Kukui asked.

Guzma looked down at the money in his hand. Rummaging through his pockets he cursed.

"Crap, I forgot my wallet. Ah- Sorry. I've only got enough for my coffee." he mumbled. An unreadable look crossed Kukui's face before he nodded, turning to make the exact drink the other man had ordered the day before.

A minute later the barista placed the to-go cup on the counter, along with a paper bag.

"O-oh, I, uh..." Guzma went to take his drink but hesitated when he saw the bag.

"It's on the house. W-well, technically my paycheck, but I run the place anyway." Kukui took the money, typing it into the cash register.

"Dude if it comes outta your paycheck then I can't! I can bring the money tomorrow-" Kukui put a hand up to stop him.

"There's another way you could pay me back..." Kukui blushed, wringing his hands.

"Huh?" Guzma took the bag. "Great," he thought, "this is where he tells me I gotta sell my soul to him or something. Cute guys've always got a catch."

"Maybe if you're not busy or anything we could maybe get a drink together? Ah- excuse me if that was stupid, you can have the cake-" Kukui's smile vanished, fidgeting more.

"No dude! I mean, if you want to we can do something. I haven't got anything planned for today or tomorrow..." Guzma offered a smile.

Kukui beamed, "Great! I finish at four, maybe we could go see a movie?"

"Sounds awesome! I'll see you there then?" Guzma half asked, half suggested.

"Totally. Oh, I almost forgot! Did you get the number on your cup yesterday?"

"Y-yeah! I just uh, forgot how to... Put it in my phone." Smooth.

"Okay dude. See ya later!" Kukui's smile somehow grew as Guzma waved bye. He greeted the next customer, apologising for the wait.

"You two should just kiss already." the teen deadpanned. He had blond hair swept over one eye, and green irises like his sister.

Kukui blushed, fumbling with the coffee maker behind him.

When Guzma got outside he opened the bag containing three macaroons decorated to look like pokéballs. He smiled, then blushed when he saw the heart iced ontop.

--here's a game; take a shot every time you see 'coffee' or 'blush'.--

That one Guzkui Coffee Shop auWhere stories live. Discover now