Cuddles and more awkwardness

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--I had to rewrite this chapter because I forgot to save so it's probably shorter than the others :/ If anything's off please tell me so I can correct it!--

Guzma and Kukui sat in the small restaurant, drinking mugs of tapu cocoa and enjoying each other's company.

"I just realised something." Kukui set his empty mug down with wide eyes.

"What?" Guzma sipped a second mug of cocoa.

"I never even asked for your name!" Kukui blushed slightly, "I hope I didn't come across as rude..."

"Nah dude, I didn't ask either. I just read your name tag!" Guzma laughed, "I'm Guzma."

"Guzma." Kukui repeated, "It suits you." Now it was Guzma's turn to blush. 

By the time they finished dinner it was half eight. It would take Guzma a further half hour to walk home, but Kukui's house was only about ten minutes away. 

"If you wanted you could stay the night, my house isn't far from here." Kukui asked as they walked out the restaurant, hand-in-hand. 

"If that's okay, I don't wanna intrude or anything." Guzma leaned against the other's shoulder as they walked, idly swinging their grasped hands.

Ten minutes later they reached the house on the beach. After unlocking the door they stepped inside, placing their shoes and coats to the left of the door. 

"Thanks for le-" Guzma couldn't finish the sentence he started because of the Rockruff bounding up to him and yapping excitedly.

"Oh- Sorry about him, he gets excited when guests come over." Kukui chuckled nervously, prying the Pokémon off of Guzma.

"It's fine, he's adorable!" Guzma laughed, petting Rockruff's head. 

After a while of petting Kukui's Pokémon and making drinks they sat together on the sofa, covered in blankets. The TV was playing a documentary about psychic types, but they were content with just cuddling with cups of cocoa going cold on the table. 

"Y'know, I complain about being tired all the time but if I hadn't felt especially  tired a few days ago then I would have never met you." Guzma sighed, adjusting the blanket around his shoulders. 

"That would have been absolutely terrible, considering how good of a pillow you make." Kukui laughed, snuggling into his side. Blushing slightly, Guzma wrapped an arm around Kukui and closed his eyes, feeling sleep wash over him. Kukui wasn't faring any better, his eyelids slowly closing then opening suddenly. Soon, they both fell asleep tangled together, their drinks sitting forgotten.

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