Chapter 20

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It's funny how your life can change in a matter of seconds. How it can be influenced by everything and anything. Yours needed only one word, one name, one person to change it all.
And you screamed this name with your lungs as you ran to your angel to keep him safe, to prevent him from getting hurt.
Funny how mere minutes ago you wanted to live till you're 80 and now you'd gladly die for this name, this person, your angel.

It was as if the gods were with you, approving your choice. You ran as fast as you ever ran and pushed Jungkook with all your strength and at the exact moment you turned to face Chanyeol, your heart faced his knife.
And even with the pain taking your breath away, emptying your lungs of oxygen; the only thing that mattered was that your angel was safe and untouched.

"Jungkook." you whispered as your knees touched the ground with a deaf sound. You couldn't hear anything for for minute, only your heart beating like hell.

"Y/N!!!" Your soulmate shouts and cries at the sight of you on the ground with a knife in your chest. He immediately runs to you and holds you before your head hits the ground. "Y/N Y/N Y/N..." Jungkook keeps crying your name trying to stop the bleeding and keeping you from falling asleep.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!" He yells at Chanyeol. "SHE WAS GIVING YOU A SECOND CHANCE YOU STUPID ASSHOLE." Jungkook shouted and kept crying while Chanyeol just stared at your bleeding corpse with horror and shock.

"I..I- it- she.." he babbled.

"Just call an ambulance!!! This is all your fault I hope you'll regret it all your life." Jungkook said, holding your body in his arms and getting up. "I'm just gonna have to do it myself." He told Chanyeol with a voice full of hatred.

You gripped Jungkook's shirt, wanting to talk to him. Wanting to say that everything is gonna be ok.

"Hold on angel I'm taking you to a hospital." He assured you, firming his grip on you.

Jungkook was running and all you could manage to do was focusing on your breathing but the sound of silence appeared to be so peaceful. Like a beauty luring you into a trap. Or perhaps it was heaven.

But you didn't want to go to heaven without him.

Your hand was still gripping his shirt and he kept talking to you all the way there telling you he was gonna stay with you through it all and that you were going to make it.

But as the doors of the hospital opened and Jungkook screamed for help, all strength left your hand and as you watch it fall you had to say it before your strength left your while body.

"Jungkook..." you called him through the dianostics of the doctors shouting at each other.

"I'm here baby don't fall asleep ok? Now is not the time." He whispered, his breath reaching yours.


"I love you."

And as you used your last breath for these precious worse, your head fell just like your hand.

EVEN IF I DIE, IT'S YOU; JJKWhere stories live. Discover now