Mira's Birthday

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(Y/N) Pov)

After yesterday I didn't want to move because I was so caught up in my thoughts. Today wasn't a school day so I wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day without any interruptions.

"(Y/N) Someone's here to see you" my mum yelled out from downstairs. I groaned because I was being disturbed from my slumber.

After a few minutes I got a knock on my door, I left it. The knocking got louder and faster so I went to answer it and found Hoseok standing there with his sunshine smile.

"What do you want Hoseok?" I groaned because I was still tired.
"I want to take you out today!" He said with complete enthusiasm, I stared at him tiredly, my hair was still messed up and my pjs still on. He gave me one of the biggest and hopeful smiles and I couldn't disagree to come. "Fine I'll come, just let me get changed first" I gave him a tired smile and closed the door to change.

I came out wearing a pastel pink muscle shirt and some black tights. My hair was out and I was wearing pastel pink converses too.

"Alright! We're going shopping so bring some money!" I looked at him confused. "Shopping? Really? I thought boys didn't like shopping??" I said, Hoseok giggled, "Yeah, I'm not really the one for shopping but I wanted to take you shopping because it's Mira's Birthday and we are ment to meet Jimin and Mira there." Hoseok said smiling but playing with his fingers now. I nodded. Grabbing some money on the way, we went outside and he pulled me to a red CRV. We went off.

I was pretty excited to see Mira! But I'm still a little bit worried about Jimin, because he was my first friend and first love. He stole my first kiss from me and I'm not sure if I still have feelings for him.

We arrived and Hoseok was so excited to see Jimin, he ran up to him and hugged him. He then turned to Mira, hugging her and wishing her a happy birthday. I ran up to Mira with a wide smile on my face and wished her a happy birthday as well. Jimin gazed at me hugging Mira with a dull expression, I tried to ignore it when I hugged him.

When we started shopping, I tried to stay as far away from Jimin as I could because I didn't want to talk about that day. Yesterday.

(Jimin Pov)

(Y/N) was avoiding me... I guess she didn't want to talk about yesterday or be reminded of it. I tried to get close to her but she kept moving away or started to walk next to Hoseok.

We went into another shop and I found her looking at a pastel blue dress, she was looking at herself in the mirror with it in front of her to see how it looked. I came up behind her smiling and holding her on her waist. She looked down blushing... She then put the dress back and started walking off. "Wait (Y/N) don't you want this?" I said pointing at the dress. "No... It's too much money" she said starting to walk away again, I grabbed her by the wrist and turned her around to me again, " I'll buy it for you, I reckon it looks nice on you" I gave her a little smirk and she blushed, our faces were close but I pulled away... I don't want her to feel awkward around me.

(Y/N) Pov)

Our faces were so close... Until he pulled away grabbing the dress and giving it to me to actually try on. I went into one of the change rooms and changed into it. I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring myself on how good it looks. I came out and Jimin looked me bottom to top, also admiring it. "I found something else for you (Y/N)" Jimin said as he handed something to me. He went off to buy the dress and I changed into what he gave me. What the hell?! Why would Jimin give me this?! I was wearing really tight booty shorts with a really short crop top only covering my breasts, He popped his head in admiring my body. He came inside.
"I knew it would look good on you
(Y/N)..." He said still admiring me. "Ugh stop perving" I said covering my body. All of a sudden he pulled me in and kissed me. Oh hell nah, I don't want to be in this mess again but I couldn't pull away. My mind was telling me to but my body wasn't listening to my mind.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck.
I pulled away instantly when he placed his hand on my ass. I smacked it away and he pulled it away holding it.

The rest of the day I hung around Mira and Hoseok.

Hoseok kept making weird but funny jokes. He told me more about Jimin, although I didn't want to hear it I still payed attention to it.

"So, when Jimin first came to the school, he went up to one of the year 12 girls and guess what he said" he giggled and I gestured what, "He said 'Your hot, but your not good enough for this ass' and he hissed while poking his ass" we laughed really hard and Jimin pouted but still laughed with us.

When the day was over, Mira hugged me and thanked me for a good day and went for her car, Hoseok was waiting for me to come to the car so he could take me home. I found Jimin and gave him a hug, he kissed my forehead. "(Y/N) I'm sorry I love you..." He said. I stood there feeling sorry, I'm still torn between. I just turned and walked to the car.

(Jimin Pov)

~Why can she not understand that... I want her for myself. I must figure out a way~



Jimin... YOU R CREEPING UP ON MY BIAS LIST 😩😩😩 sorry. Also sorry for all the use of pastel, it's just my favourite colour. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, the next chapter will hopefully be a bit more interesting if most of these chapters were boring to you. Tell me if you guys want me to write another book, not based on this story but it can be about bts or any other k-pop band member, just message who or what you want it to be about. Anyway cya next chappie! Baiiii ❤️❤️

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