#4 Candy Store

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Ashton: You and Ash walk into a candy store in the mall. You look over at him once the door closes behind you. His eyes are wide and he has the biggest smile on his face. I guess that's what you mom meant when she says "You look like a kid in a candy store". In this case a really big kid in a candy store. You smack his arm and snap him out of his daze. "Ash what candies do you want to get. Get two kinds." He runs over to the counter and goes "Whoa... that's a lot of jelly beans" he looks over at you with his eyes wide again. Candy stores are the best.

Michael: "(Y/N) we've been in here for like 2 hours" Mikey complains at you because you told him after the candy store we would go to Game Stop. The truth is that Easter was this weekend and you needed some candy to give to your little sister. He wanted to stop at Game Stop to get a video game to give to your little brother and to get some new ones for him and the boys. "Hey Mikey, look" you say pointing at Mike's favorite candy. He jumps up and down and makes you get them. He's disappointed when you leave cause he wanted to get more candy.

Luke: "(Y/N)! Look a candy store!!!" Luke yells acting like your little brother, Joey. "Luke you do know that your 17 turning 18 in like not even 4 months" you say as he pulls you through the door and over to your favorite candy. "And that changes this how?" He says smirking. "Go ahead pick out some candy I'll pay." He says grabbing a bag to put candy in and handing it to you. "No Luke... I'm not letting you pay for it all." You protest. "Your cute when you know I'm never gonna let that happen" Luke smiles and pokes your nose. "Fine." you huff then get as much candy as you could fit in the bag.

Calum: "Hey Emma, why don't we get (Y/N) to bring us to the candy store" Cal says talking to your little sister. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Emma runs up to you and grabs you leg. "What's Up, Sweetie." You smile and pick her up. "Uncie Cal wants to go to the candy store." You smile knowing what Cal just did. "Okay Emma let's go get Uncle Cal to go to the candy store!" you yell through your mums house. "Yes!!!" you see Cal jump around the corner fist pumping. "And we always thought you were the little one" you smile down at Emma who's still balancing on your hip and grab you keys and walk out to the car with dancing Calum coming behind you.


~authors note~ Hey! I hope you like this one. I'm taking requests for preferences. If you want a personal than just ask. This is not proofread. Oh yeah Happy 'early' Easter!


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