#5 Try Hard- 5 Seconds of Summer

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[song preference... an older song] *HIS POV*

Ashton: "She dropped outta school 'cause she don't need the grades, the colors in her hair don't seem to fade,"

"Dude she has pink hair now..." I gasp as she sits down at a table in Starbucks. "Ashton, I do too, but you don't seem to notice when I change my hair colors. You only care when she does" I think I was supposed to hear what Michael said, but the pink got my eye. I can't believe she dropped out of school... I know she's smart and al, but still that was the only time I got to see her, I think off in a day dream while looking at her. "You do know next time you don't need to stare at me to get my attention you can just come and ask to sit with me, right?" I hear a beautiful voice< I know all to well ask. 'umm... I'll note it down for next time" I joke. "Can I sit here?" she asks with a smile. "Of course>" I smile back.

Michael: "I play guitar but she's into drummers,"

She's in the front row and I smile thinking she's looking at me, but no she smiles and waves at Ashton. He just looks at me because he know I have strong feelings for her. I just try to ignore them and get lost back in the song. "...Heartbreak Girl" Luke sings ending the song, Next thing i know is our shows over and One Direction are about to come out and play. I'm high fiving the boys as i hear a girls voice behind me. "Ashie?" I now exactly who it is because she is the only one who calls him that. I turn around "I waved at you, why didn't you wave back... I know you were playing the drums and all but I still thought you were into me?" I walk away upset that she liked Ashton and not me.

Luke: "I pierced my lip so she thinks I'm cool, I ripped my jeans and dropped out of school, I follow her 'round town but she thinks that I'm a weirdo now,"

I walked out of Starbucks and bumped into her. "oh sorry i didn't me-" she cut me off. "Luke? Is that you?" I chuckle a little. "Yeah It's me." She looks at me shocked. " Oh.. My... God... you pierced your lip." She says shocked. I start to worry a little because I did only pierce my lip because she told Cal that she thought it was really hot. "Yeah.. I did' do you like it"? I ask scratching the back of my neck. "'cause I just got it yesterday and its removable so if I take it ou-" she cuts me off by kissing me. "I'll take that as a yes" I smirk. "so how school." she asked smiling. " I dropped out" I said worried again.

Calum: "She's got a rose tattoo but she keeps it covered,"

I watch as she scratches her left bicep, from across the room and when she does I see a little rose peek out from under her shirt. "Wow" I whisper to my self. 'Mr.Hood!!!' my teacher says rather loudly, but not yelling loudly. "Yes, ma'am" I say whipping my head towards the front of the room to look at my math teacher. '"Do you know the answer?"She looks at me knowing I don't even know the question. 'No" She turns away from looking at me and faces the blackboard. "Well, next time I don't want to catch you staring at Mrs.(Y/L/N)" everyone laughs as I blush. when I look back up I look over and see (Y/N) looking at me already. She pulls her hand up to her ear and makes her hand look like a phone and mouths "call me." I nearly fall out of my seat but i mouth back 'Anytime." and see smiles.

~authors note~ Hey, I want to get at least 2 votes, okay? OK. I hope everyone liked it. I want some general ideas for preferences, so if you could request and tell me what you want to see in my book that would be great! Thank you! Oh, yeah, when you request just private message me and tell me what the general idea is and your user-name, well i would already know your user-name than if you PMed me than... I would just know the general idea like, for example, First Kiss or Pick-up lines (clean, of course ;P). So, yeah, just private message me... this is a long authors note, WHOOPS! =)

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