#12 " I'm gonna be a Daddy" 2/4

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a/n Its 2/4 Mashton and for Cake I'll do when your child and him hang out or cute father/child moments...

Oh yeah thanks to DaddyDirectioner568

A S H T O N:

“Um.... Ash, c-could I tell you something?" You ask him scared to know his reaction. “Yea" he says turning around, “Whats wrong? Baby, are you OK?" Another tear slips down your cheek. “Ash d-do you love me?" Ashton looks like you were talking crazy, “Your kidding right, (Y/N)? I have been in love with you since the first day I laid eyes on you" He smiles a soft warm smile. “So what did you want to tell me babe" You look down at your feet, “I-I'm p-pregnant" you whisper still looking down. Ash lifts up your face by your chin, ”What I didn't hear you?” “I'M PREGNANT" You yell and drop to his feet in tears, “W-Why are you crying then, silly. We are going to have a family together, well if you want to keep him or her." You smile and laugh “I thought you would leave if you found out so I didn't want to tell you... and yes I want to keep the baby" Ashton smiles and runs around the house “I'm gonna be a Daddy, I'm gonna be a Daddy!"

M I C H A E L:

“I'm gonna be a Daddy, oh my god, are you sure" You laugh “Yeah, I'm sure" Mikey stands up on the couch and jumps up and down “ I'm gonna be a Daddy, a daddy, a daddy, I'm gonna be a daddy!!!!" You start to cry “Aww baby what's wrong?" Mikey asks getting off the couch. “Nothings wrong, I just am so happy that you want this as much as I do" You smile and so does he. Than he says “Oh my god, how are we gonna tell our parents or the boys?!?" You laugh again, “We will find a way, don't worry" “I love you, you know that" you smile “I know that, but I love you more" You lean in and put your lips against his super soft ones... when Mikey pulls away he puts his forehead to yours and says “I'm gonna be a daddy" and you say “Your gonna be a daddy" which makes him smile super big.

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