Chapter One.

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Chapter One Song Insperation; Sunday Mornings, Maroon 5.

Sunday Mornings, rain is falling.

The lyric's spoke the truth.

I sat up in bed, my head against the head board. I was listening to the rain.

The rain was like a pattern, like music, like a unique tune.

Though, it was sadly disrupted.

The boys were up.

Rolling my eyes, I push the doona from my knee's and roll out of bed. I stumble to the door, swinging it open, and flail into the corridor. I heard them chattering, mostly about breakfast. I enjoyed hearing them speak, their accent's were so... unique.

Louis had spotted me. He clambers off the bar stool at the breakfast bar, and he runs over to me.

"Good Morning, love. How'd you sleep?" He asks, grinning. I laugh, and bite my lip.

"Okay, thanks Louis" I say, scanning th breakfast bar. Zayn and Liam were behind it, rummaging through the cuboards, while Niall's head was stuck in the fridge, not litterally of course.

I scan the lounge, and kitchen, then dining.

Harry was missing. I cross my arms, and nudge Louis in the ribs. "Where's Harry?" I ask, looking up at him. Louis laughs. "Ooh, curious are we?" he says, patting my shoulder.

I frown, and shake my head. "Cut it out, I'm serious" I hiss.

Louis backs away, raising his arms as if he was surrendering. "Okay, okay. He's in his room"

Louis points down the corridor, and I turn, following his gesture.

"Oh" I mumble.

"Are you going to wake Harry up?" Niall asks. I jump, and shake my head. "Pfft, no" I say, shaking it off. "Are you sure, someone should wake him up" Louis says, crossing his arms, and nodding. Niall follows. Suddenly, everyone's eyes are on me. I gasp.

"Why me? I mean, why do I have to?" I say, stepping back, wobbling just the slightest bit.

"Well, if one of us wakes him up, were asking for a death sentence" Louis replies.

I bite my tounge, and take in a deep breath. "Won't I get a death sentence?" I ask, blinking.

"Pfft, no!" Louis says, scruffing my already messy hair. I nod, and turn on the balls of my feet.

I walk down the corridor, make sure I took small steps, which were quiet.

This was one thing I didn't want to do. Wake Harry Styles up, on a Sunday. He wasn't a morning person, I knew that. A part of me told me to abanndon Louis and Niall's wish, but the other told me to go for it, and wake him up. I'm guessing I'm going with my heart. Let's wake him up.

Harry's room was at the end of the corridor, to the right. I turned the door knob, slowly, pushing it open. I bite my lip, and creep inside.

He was on the floor. Still in his clothes from last night's DVD marathon. He looked quite peaceful, and I would hate to disturb him.

I look around the room, and sigh. "Harry" I whisper. Nothing.

"Harry, oi" I say a bit louder. Again, nothing. I roll my eyes and walk over to his bed, grabbing one of the pillows. I lean over, and gently tap him on the head, though I would doubt it would help.

I toss the pillow back onto the bed, and I kneel on the floor. I tap his shoulder, and I finally recieve a response. He flinches, like a fly had flown onto his nose. I decicded to try it again, in attenmpt to awake him. "Harry, please wake up"

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