Chapter Eight.

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Chapter Eight Song Insperation; Baby it's cold outside, Glee Cast.

We trailed upstairs, wet and mud-covered from the outdoor's.

Closing the door behind us, Harry rid's the coat which he was wearing, which falls onto the ground, creating a wet trail behind it.

Our laugh's were fufilled and pleased. I colapse onto the floor, drenched to the bone.

I smile, and lean against the base of the bed, looking up at Harry, who's hair and face was soaked, little water dropplet's falling from his perfect face.

Looking down at me, Harry takes my hand's, which sat on the floor, pulling me close to him, to his chest, cradiling me in his arms. - making me feel safe, and secure.

Breaking free of the tight bound, Harry takes my face in his hands, bringing out face's, centermeter's from another kiss. I could feel his breath against my skin.

His eye's stared back at mine, connected. I look away, and smile.

"You should stop being a tease" I whisper to his cheek.

He pulls away, and frowns, looking over at the window, before meeting my eyes again, and grinning, his dimples standing out like they usually did,

"I'm not a tease" He mumbles. "Fine, your romantic" I say, rolling my eyes smiling at the same time. Harry nod's, and smiles.

"Maybe I am" He says, leaning in to kiss my nose. I squeeze my eyes close, and smile.

His lip's find mine and I find myself entangled in one of those kisses, long lasting.

The kiss breaks, my head falls to his shoulder. He tighted his arms around me.

This was perfect.

I sat on the bed, my netbook on my laptop on my lap, Harry lying on his back - on his iPhone, looking at it, attepmting to sheild his eyes from the light above.

I sigh, rolling off the bed, walking to the door, and flicking the light off.

I hear a russle from the bed, and I look over my shoulder. The iPhone, which was sitting on Harry's chest, slid off onto the bed, he sat up, and rubbed his eyes. 

 "What's the time?" He mumbles, looking around the now dark room.

I shrug, and look over at the alarm clock inside a tall cabinet beside the door.

"1:30am" I mumble, walking back over to the bed.

Harry closed his eyes, falling back onto the bed, letting out a slight groan.

I shuffle back over to the bed, leaning on the tail board. "You tired?" I whisper, my voice cracking due to the overdosage of laugh's from earlier.

Harry look's up at me, and nod's closing his eyes, falling off into a blissful daze.

He tap's the bed space beside him, opening one eye, telling me to lie down with him.

I took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed.

I eventually fell back into his arms, falling off into a blissful daze with him.

I awoke the next morning, to voices buzzing around my head.

Somehow it reminded me of when I was clipped. My eyes slowly opened, and I was fronted by the boys, all smiling at me - like they did when I firstly met them.

I sit up and smile, biting my lip at the same time - thrilled to see my best friends, all here with me, in my house. At first, I hadn't noticed, but Harry was missing.

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