Chapter Eleven.

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I cannot believe how far I have come with Lucky. It only seemed like yesterday - when I began writing this. Sarry have come so far, I just want to thank everyone for everything. If you voted, if you commented, if you just read, if you shared it, or reccomended it to your readers or whatever.. thank you.

It's all greatly appriciated.

And I am so sorry, this is so short. I just needed to get this chapter out. The next one will be longer.

Plus, I have another book that I am working on. Plus, I have school, friends, and my Vampire Knight obbsession is booking up my time, however, this is the chapter.

Big Love. x - Sacha.


I found myself engulfed in a mass of arms. I couldn't escape this hug, even if I tried.

The tightest hold was Louis, Liam and Niall grinned as they slowly released their hold.

Louis kept hugging me.

"Lou..I cannot breath" I gasp, trying to slip out of his hold. He laughs, and slowly releases his arms.

"Welcome back, Sach" He grins, pleased with his attempt to nearly kill me.

I blush as he ruffles my hair, and walks over to the new sofa, slumping down onto the arm.

He pats the thick plush duvet, and grins.

"Like the new sofa, and it's purrrrfect duvets?" He asks. I slowly nod, unsure on what to say.

"They're great, where'd you get the sofa?" I ask, looking around the room at all the faces.

"From the furniture store, where else?" Niall says, sitting down with a sandwich, beside Louis.

"No Niall, do not eat on the sofa!" Louis says sarcastically, shooing Niall away. Niall pouts and walks over to the breakfast bar, taking a seat on a stool and sighing.

I shrug. "I don't know, the thrift store?"

"A sofa, like this? I don't think you could get such a couch, from a thrift store" Louis gasps. I roll my eyes and turn around, looking at Harry. Correction - Admiring Harry.

"Well, I'm going to go put our bags in our rooms" Harry murmurs. I give an unsteady nod.

"I'll help" I say, trying to steady my sqeaky voice.

Why was I doing this, acting like this?

I grab my own suite case, and drag it down the hallway. after Harry, who clearly seemed silenced by my small convosation with Louis.

I close the hallway door behind me, and sigh. Harry was at the other end of the hallway, opening his bedroom door, he turns his head, facing me. Slightly grinning.

"Come here" He whispers. I raise my eyebrows, and slowly approach him, trying not to trip over in the hallways dim light. I stand before Harry, and sigh. "What?"

"Are you staying in your room?" He asks, slowly.

"Yeah, I guess..wait..why?" I ask, looking directly into his eyes, which were a faint green, due to the lack of light. He shurgs and looks away, cheekily. I gently slap his arm, he gasps, and holds onto his arm, dramatically.

"Well, are you?" Haz ponders. I look away, before greeting his eyes once more. "How can I give you a positive anwser, when you refuse to finish what you were saying"

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