Chapter 30

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Katniss' POV
I was awaken by the jumps of Willow in my bed. "Mom get up its Rye's birthday!" She yells as she runs out of the room. I groan and roll over towards Peeta who is wide awake. "Our little boy is one." He smiles. "Yeah. It just feels like yesterday he was just born." I smile back as I get out of bed. "Momma!" Rye says when Willow walks him into my room. "Hey birthday boy." I say kissing his head. "Ready to have some fun." I smile.
Peeta ran to the bakery to grab Rye's cake and Willow and I were setting up for the party. "Mom who's all coming?" Willow asks. " Johanna and her family, Annie and Finn, Gale's family, Haymitch and Effie, and of course your grandma." I state. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Willow roll her eyes. "Is there something wrong with the list Willow." I say giving her a confused look. "No it's nothing." Willow says as she tries to walk away. I grab her arm and pull her back. "Willow what's wrong." I ask. Before I knew it Willow had tears in her eyes. "When I went hunting yesterday Rider showed up and messed my shot up as I was about to shoot a deer. Then I got mad at him and yelled at him and he kept annoying me saying we're the richest in district 12 and you can't even tell me about the Hunger Games and the rebellion." She cries. Soon enough I realized I was too crying and pulled Willow into my embrace. "Willow darling." I choke. "It's very hard for me and your father to tell you about the games and the rebellion. We've been trying to think of a way to explain it to you but it's just very hard. Don't listen to what Rider tells you, you know what's true. I promise we'll tell you soon." I state.
Rye's party was underway and everyone so far was having a blast. Willow and Luna were running around outside, Annie and Johanna were helping with the food. Peeta, Alder, and Finn were playing with little Rye, and Effie and Haymitch finally got engaged. The only thing missing was my mom. I walk towards Peeta and slowly grabbed his arm. He looks up at me and walks me upstairs. "I know she'll be here soon Katniss." Peeta tries to comfort me. "The train might have been delayed." He states. I nod my head and find myself in Peeta's arms. We stood there for a good 10 minutes until I hear a knock at the door. I quickly run down the stairs and soon find my mom and Gale's family. "Sorry I'm so late." My mother says embracing me in a hug. "The train broke down and I had to wait for a new one." She states. "I'm so glad you're here." I whisper in her ear.
The party was almost over and Rye was just beginning to open his presents from everyone. Willow,Luna, and Rider were all outside playing around but as Rye began to open his first present I heard Willow screaming. I and pretty much everyone else at the party ran to the front yard and saw Willow pinning Rider on the ground. "I'm tired of your damn comments!" Willow screams. She lifts up her fist and before she has a chance to hit him I scream at her. "Willow Primrose Mellark!" I scream. When she looked up she saw everyone and slowly got off of Rider who ran to his father crying. "Go up to your room right now young lady!" I scream even louder. "But mom he started." Willow cries. "Go now!" I say before Willow runs to her room with a trail of tears. "You were right dad she is a mutt just like Peeta." Rider says. I quickly turn my head to Gale and gave him the death stare. So did Peeta. "No wonder why your son is saying all this shit about us." I say walking towards Gale. "And to think I let you back in my life after you killed my sister. Leave right not Gale!" I scream. "Leave and never come back! And if I see Rider even talk to Willow ughh." I stomp away grabbing Rye and returning into the house. "Everyone go home the party is over." We're the last words I said before slamming the door.

Peeta's POV
I slowly open Willow's door and see her holding the picture of Prim. "Auntie Prim I don't know what to do. Mom practically hates me and now everyone thinks I'm a monster." She cries. "You're not a monster." I tell her as I enter the room. "And your mother does not hate you." I say as I sit down on her bed. "She seemed so mad at me." Willow frowns. "I think she was more shocked then anything really." I say rubbing her back. "She had to control the situation that's why she freaked out." I tell her. "I feel really bad daddy I'm just so tired of Rider say mean things about our family." She tells me. "What does he say sweetheart?" I ask. "He says we're so rich and all this other crap and he also said at least my dad can tell me about the war and the Hunger Games." Willow states. To be honest I was shocked that Rider would say such mean and rude things to Willow. "I'm going to talk to mommy about seeing if we can tell you." I say looking down at floor. "You just have to promise that you will understand what me and your mother had to go through to survive." I tell her. "Daddy you know I'm understanding." She smiles as she hugs me. "I would never think that you and mom are monsters or evil villains." She laughs. I smile and soon tuck her into bed. I kiss her head and before walking out of the room Willow asks me something. "Daddy did Rye like his bear?" She asked. I turned around and smiled. "It was by far one of his favorite gifts." I smile as I leave the room.
I make my way towards Rye's room and see Katniss laying him down. I walk quietly towards her and wrap my arms around her waist. "You still angry?" I ask her. I hear her take a deep breath and soon turns around with a smile. "Not really." She says. I can tell she's lying because she immediately looks down. "I know you're not ok Katniss." I tell her. "We can talk about it in our room." I say. She nods her head and kisses Rye's head but soon he starts to cry. "Oh honey what's wrong." Katniss says picking him back up. With his little cubby fingers he points to the bear Willow got him. Katniss turns her head and grabs the bear and hands it to him. "Sissy's present is your favorite hmm?" She smiles as she sets him down again. Rye hugs the bear and the recording of Willow singing the Valley Song plays. Katniss seemed surprised and soon followed me out of Rye's room.
We both get ready for bed and soon I find Katniss laying on me. "Katniss I really think it's time to tell Willow about the games." I say which makes Katniss shiver. "Peeta she's going to hate us." She says with tears in her eyes. "I already talked to her, she said she'd understand." I tell her trying to calm her down. "I'm tired of Rider picking on her." Katniss cries. "I wish Gale never came back." She cries harder. "Shh it's ok." I coo her. "We'll get through this together." I tell her. I allow her to finish her crying and soon enough her lips were on mine. "Peeta how do you put up with me." She whispers. "It's not a challenge when you're the love of my life Katniss." I laugh. "I love you more than anything in the whole world." I say. "No I love you more." She laughs kissing me again. "Nope." I laugh picking her up and wrestling her in bed. "Peeta stop." She laughs. "We're going to wake the kids." She says trying to catch her breath. We settle down and before I fall asleep I hear Katniss' sweet voice. "I love you Peeta Mellark."

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