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He drove home from Ian's with a one thought floating around his head, what did the transmitter mean?

Brendon had been thinking about it ever since and he wanted to talk to the person behind this. Who could they be? Why would be they be sending that same exact text about ten times in a row? Where are there? When would they call again? How do they even have his number?

Waterfalls of questions fell into his shallow lake of mind. He can't escape these thoughts, he didn't think he will.

• • •

When he arrived home, it was about noon, there wasn't much to do. Brendon sat on his desk, his fingers were occupied with a piece of paper. His dark brown eyes wandered and stumbled upon an old photograph.

It was worn out, the faces of the photo almost unnoticeable. But Brendon could always identify the person next to him, he wondered where his friend is now.

That friend probably did something better than him. Brendon was a solo artist, writing songs and performing them with his beautiful sounding voice. He had a medium following and his songs weren't bad, they were decent.

He stowed the photo back to its place before going back to doing nothing.

Then he gets another call from his phone.

"No Caller ID is calling..."

Brendon picked up immediately and listened carefully.

"F-Fi...nd...me." The same whispering tone said before repeating it over and over, however, not without a static and ring in the background. This time, the message had been repeated with their voice and multiple text-to-voice voices. Some have been slowed down. Others have been pitched up.

The call continued like that for about a few seconds before they all end at the same time, screaming, "Find me."

Brendon couldn't say anything, he needed to hear carefully. Even if he had tried to speak, it wouldn't matter.

As he set his phone down, it began to ding because of messages being sent to him. Brendon read the messages, all of them saying the same, different morse code.

".- ... / ... --- --- -. / .- ... / -.-- --- ..- / --. . - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / --. ..- -. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-"

He called up Ian again and frantically asked for the "cheat sheet"

Ian told him to look online and there should be one instantly. And he wasn't lying, there was one.

It took him a while to dot each letter and he did mess up a few times. In the end, he got a message that read, "As soon as you get your gun..."

Brendon was more confused than before. Two messages, that have no association with one another. He thought after he received the messages, he'd piece them up and create something that could lead him to answers.

The words wouldn't stop invading his brain, nagging at him to do something.

"Help me."

"I don't know how but they found me."

"Find me."

"As soon as you get your gun."

Brendon knew there was more to these messages than what met the eye and he was determined to find out.

• • •


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