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The person on the other line sounded a little ungrateful and Brendon was getting a little heated at that. The voice luckily spoke before Brendon could argue with him.

"Y'know, I really thought you weren't gonna murder them for me. You don't seem like that kind of guy, Brendon. I actually know you're not that kind of guy. Now, I get it, you're wondering who I am. Well, I'll text you an address and you can meet me there! Just saying...you should bring flowers or something, I don't care really. I'll see you then."

The caller hung up and a text came through as Brendon began making his way back to his car.

"-- . . - / -- . / .- - / - .... . / --. .-. .- ...- . -.-- .- .-. -.. / .- -. -.. / .... . .- -.. / - --- / - .... . / --. .-. .- ...- . / .-- .. - .... / - .... . / .. -. .. - .. .- .-.. ... / -.. .-.-.- .--- .-.-.- .--"

He opened the text but didn't decipher it until he cleaned himself up. Brendon grabbed a few tissues that were placed in his car to clean his hands and nose.

Once doing so, he went back on his phone and decoded the text.

Huh, spooky! Well, it's a spooky place for the thing he had just done. The text directed him toward a graveyard but before going there. He started the car and left the Latet Woods to get some flowers.

None of the flower shops were opened, however, Brendon knew that flowers had been planted around town. That's his plan to pick the flowers from the town.

He drove through town, trying to find a flower that looked grown and beautiful. Brendon had been searching for a rose but no luck. Maybe a tulip? Nope.

Brendon decided to drive toward the graveyard without a flower in hand. Luckily for him on his way there, a patch of sunflowers were growing on the road side. He stopped the car and walked out to pick about five of the flowers.

He set the flowers on the passenger seat and continued to drive. The text told him to visit a certain grave, one marked with the initials, "D.J.W"

That reminded Brendon an awful lot about his friend that he still has a tiny bit of a crush on and will never get to confess that crush to him.

When he arrived, he went through the gates and drove past the stones honoring those who've died. He was in the kind of graveyard where you drive around and find a certain grave.

He slowly drove around and text had been received.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

Brendon read that text and wondered what that meant. His eyes look for the grave and out of the blue, something's glowing at the corner of his eye.

His car turned toward that glowing light and the closer he got, it resembles a floating figure on a grave.

Brendon realized that he stop his car and walk to the grave. As he squinted his eyes and walk, the figure turned slowly toward him.

They were glowing blue but Brendon could see their features. Messy brown hair, they were tall even if they weren't floating, and...those eyes had a striking resemblance to someone he knew.

Once Brendon was in front of the figure, he was on his knees and the sunflowers on the ground.

"D-Dallon...?" Brendon managed to say through his tears.

"I'm glad you brought my favorite, Brendon."

• • •

(i am so sorry but I rushed this a bit ((a lot)) and i am really sorry.) School's got me in a stressful loop and I wish to escape. I am really sorry if this wasn't that well but hey, you know who this mysterious caller was. You probably knew it was him, did you? Thank you so much for reading! Have a nice day and I love you.

NO CALLER ID - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now