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E M B R Y S view

"IS THAT A FUCKEN SEXY BLACK IMPALA I SEE" Rafa yells and goes to the car

"That's my baby" Jared chuckles

"I don't understand" Seth says and looks confused

"It's okay kid neither do I" I say and we both laugh

"Can I drive!?" Rafa asks and runs to Jared

"Ha ha no" he says plainly

"I'll let you drive MY SEXY BABY tomorrow or LATEEEEER" she says and batters her eyelashes

"Depends on what your baby is" he says

"You'll find out" she says and snatches the keys out of Jareds hands and runs to the drivers side

"I call shotgun" I yell and run to the passengers side

"But it's my car" I whine in the backseat and Seth just laughs

"My driving is awesome guy's wear your seatbelts" Rafa says and smiles a devilish smile before stepping up on the engine before any of us can strap on our seatbelts

"I don't wanna die" Jared yells holding onto Seth

"I'm too young your old I dont wanna die" Seth shots back to Jared

"Please slow down" I say and she grins and goes faster till we reach school

"This is fun" she yells and laughs

"I've never been happy to see the school because I don't wanna die on the way there" Jared says and opens the car door after Rafa pulls up

"Aren't you going to say it was fun?" Rafa says and we all give her 'are you crazy' look

"Finally at school I'm never getting into a car ride with you as a driver" Seth says and gets on his knees and kisses the ground

"Bells going to ring in ten so we better go to the office" I say and we walk into school to go to the office

》Skip after the office《

R A F A E L L A S view
"Who's a junior with me" I ask

"Quil, Jacob and myself" Embry says

"Who's Jacob and Quil" I ask and soon another guy which I assume is Embry and Quils friend is Jacob

"I'm Jacob this is Quil" he says and sticks his hand out and I shake it and Quil does the same

"Where's Jar-head" I ask

"Jared probably ran off somewhere " Seth says

"So what classes you have" Quil says and looks at my schedule

P1.English - Mrs Finlay
P2.Mathematics - Mrs Catori
P3.Gym - Mr Kaiser
P4.Science Mr Layton
P5.Woodwork - Mr Dallas
P6.Art - Ms Rose

"Looks like you've got Embry in English,The four of us including Jared for Mathemtics ,all of us for Gym, Science with Jared, Woodwork with us three and art with Embry again" Quil says

"Lucky me" Embry says and we all laugh

"Some seniors are in junior subject classes because there's not many of us" Embry explains and I nod

"Well time to go to class" Seth says and waves goodbye to us so do Jacob and Quil

》E N G L I S H 《

"Oh you must be the new student, welcome to my class my name is Mrs Finlay please take a seat" the teachers says and I sit next to Embry and soon the sits fill up

"Here is a sheet for homework and read page twenty one till thirty of this book I'm about to give you" she says and hands us papers and a book as she turns to walk to her desk a few girls glare at me and start gossiping about my appearance

"Look at her arms"

"Is she in Sam's cult"

"She has tattoos"

"Why would Embry like her"

"Embry" I whisper low enough so those girls can't hear

"Yeah" he whispers back

"Who are those girl's looking at me" I ask and point to their group

"Let's just say they all like someone in our group of friend's" he replies and I make a "O" shape with my mouth and the teacher writes things on the board and I copy them down neatly, as time goes by what seems to be like forever the bell rings making everyone stuff their notes in their bags and rushing out the door meanwhile me and Embry take our time and head to the cafeteria to meet with the others.

》C A F E T E R I A 《

"Hey Rafa" Seth, Quil and Jacob say

"How was english" Jacob asks and I groan

"So slow and annoying" I say and rest my head on the table with my arms

"Cheer up we have maths together" Quil says and i see Jared walking to another table with a guy sitting with some girls I assume judging from how they acted around that guy they might be sluts or skanks

"Who's Jar-head going to?" I ask anyone and furrow my eyebrows waiting for an anwser

"That's Paul Lahote a senior with Jared but aka Mr hothead or known as the La Push player" says Embry and I scrunch up my face and shake my head

"Anyone getting food?"asks Jacob

"Can you get me an apple please and water" I say and Jacob walks off into the line

"Sooo tell us about yourself" Quil says

"Uhm okay, I'm Brazilian/Quileute,I turned 17 last week,Obviously living with my mum, I like sleeping, eating and watching horror movies and taking my baby out for a spin oh and I like tattoos as you can see" I say proudly and pull up the sleeves of my bomber jacket and they all go wide eyed and gasp

"Check it out that's sick" Quil says and points to the tattoo of a rose that continues up to my shoulder

"If you guys wanna see more just wait for gym or come by mine and you can see the rest" I say and grin

"What's your baby" asks Jacob coming back and handing me a apple and a bottle of water

"My baby is a black m-" i say before I could finish my answer seth butted in

"I warn you she is the worsest driver in history, never get into a car with her if you don't wanna die" Seth says and takes a bite out of his sandwhich

"He's right she drove us this morning with Jareds car" Embry says and the rest laugh and I put my hand to my heart to look like I'm offended

"You know I'm still here, Nunca dói ter uma pequena adrenalina ou diversão"I say and throw my hands up and start speaking a bit of Portuguese [ Never hurts to have a little adrenaline rush or fun ] translation

"What, Speak english" Quil says and the rest look confused at what I said

"No thanks" I say and smile and the bell rings for period two

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