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Lunch came.....

Jared, Rafaella,Jacob, Paul,Quil, Seth and Embry sat at a table in the corner of the Cafateria,Lindsey Morgan had noticed Paul was being way to close to another girl in fact she was the new girl.Paul and Lindsey had a thing back then before Rafella came and she stated very clearly whoever took Paul away from her she'd hunt them down and make sure he was hers and claim him as her boyfriend.Embry,Jared and Jacob seemed to be facing Lindsey and her "group"  they all had disgusted faces from the way her friends wanted them and it wasn't till Paul furrowed his eyesbrows at the three and the all gestured there heads towards Lindseys table, Rafaella seemed to be quiet at the time sitting next to Quil and Seth but of course Paul didn't pay attention to his imprint and just looked the other way to see Lindsey already looking at Paul and mouthing "call me" before walking out the Cafateria with her head held high and the clicking sounds of their heels.

J A R E D S view

"Dude" Jared shoved Paul and he came back to reality

"What?" Paul questioned

"Your really going to say what"  Jared said a bit annoyed

"I'm uhm gonna go to my next class" Rafa mumbled quietly and stood up walking away clearly uncomfortable Quil and Seth follow her out

"See what you did" Embry said and took a bite out of his apple

"No?" Paul questions himself

"Okay let me act it out with Embry"  Jacob says and Embry nods

"Three two one..." I say and Embry pretends to be Lindsey and Jacob is Paul,Jacob looks at Embry and winks then I explain that she's being flirty, Embry stares at Jacob and Jacob mouths the words "call me" and makes the phone gesture and they stop

"Uhm she said call me that's all?" Pauls thickhead states

"I don't see how he doesn't understand female interactions"  Embry says and shakes his head

"Neither do I" Jacob says and the bell rings

"Looks like it's time for class" I say and we all walk out of the Cafateria with student's scurrying to their next class

R A F A E L L A S view
Okay so I know for a fact that Paul is interested in that girl who he looked at earlier and she obviously has a thing for him like hello you can clearly see, Paul imprinted on me and I don't see why he's showing interest in her when I'm his imprint, I admit I'm jealous because she got his attention for a few seconds not caring to look at me and looked straight at her while she said Call me,Quil and Seth filled me up on the information with the girl named Lindsey Morgan and the rest of her group, apparently Paul and her were a thing back before I came and they dated till she cheated on him with some guy from his year,the truth that Quil said was that he was a player on the Reservation even at La Push high he'd always have a girl for his needs or even a booty call, he hooked up, messed with girls, date them and dump them as soon as he got what he wanted or when they were too much for him to handle, according to Seth he'd never sticked to a girl and settle down for good with any girls, my heart was slowly shattering at the words Quil and Seth spoke but I knew it wasn't my place to say anything so I just kept my mouth shut and acted like I didn't know he imprinted on me.

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hey readers, I'd appreciate if you could leave comments or some feedback thanks again for reading.

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