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The day of the bonfire...

Rafaella had woken up to a very cold morning as her feet stepped onto her wooden floorboards making their way to the shower after getting a towel, fifteen minuets passed and she got out of the shower and changed into her undergarm-ents and grabbed a black halter top, maroon coloured jeans, black jumper and a pair of her white nike air force one shoes before putting on her special necklace and packing her bag for school with books

Paul on the otherhand was still in bed under his covers when his father stepped into his room half drunk trying to get his only son to get up for school , after his father left Paul sat in bed for a minutes before getting up to shower, once he was done he put on his black boxers and grabbed some clothes that consisted of being a black shirt, dark blue jeans and a leather jacket along with his pair of  black high top sneakers, after getting ready he got his bag and packed then made himself some breakfast and called Jared over

> Author's View <

"Hey man" Paul says

"Hey what's up?" Jared asks

"Ride with me for today?" I say

"Yeah sure" he says

"Coming in 30" Paul says after hearing Jared say bye

Fifteen minutes later Paul sat in the driver's seat turning on the engine to drive to Jareds house up the road, Jared seemed to hear his ride pull up in the driveway and rushed to change into a black pair of jeans with a grey shirt and his black boots before opening  the front door for his pack brother to come in and greet him once they were done both boys headed their way to the one and only La Push high their school near the reservation, as they were on the way to school Jared and Paul made jokes and talked to speed up the time which seemed to be working, along the way they spotted Rafaellas car speeding down the road catching the attention of Paul

P A U L S view

"Dude is that rafa?" I ask Jared as I squint my eyes at the view

"U-uhm yeah I guess so" he says uneasily

"Hold on tight buddy let's catch up" I say and grin

"Paul no don't you d-" Jared says midway and I step on the engine and go faster

"Holy fucking shitting assh-" Jared curses as we halt to a stop infront of the school almost at the same time as Rafaella pulled into the car park beside me

"Look who's here" I say and burst out laughing after seeing Jared hold onto his seat

"Relax only a little fun" I say and switch off the engine

"Dude your crazy" Jared says and we both get out of my car with our bags

"I see you drove faster than me" Rafa says and faces me

"Only too see you" I say and smirk and Jared speaks

"Just to make things clear please never let him drive me anywhere like that unless it's an emergency and teach him how to drive properly"  Jared says and eyes me and Rafaella

"I swear if you kill any of them I'll kill you" Rafa says and smirks a devilish smirk

"I won't but I do need to talk to you later"  I say and we both walk to the front doors of the school

"Ohhhh Jared" Rafa calls him in a sing song voice

"Yes?" He asks

"I'm sorry to do this" she says and pushes Jared into the girls back and running away almost making the girl almost fall forward but Jared using his reflexes catches the girl before she hits it face first

"I'm so sorry it wasn't me" Jared says and the girl faces him and he immediately turns red

"It's okay Jared"  the girl says and smiles

"Right uhm this is Paul"  he says and I stick out my hand and she shakes it

"I'm Kim nice to meet you" Kim says and smiles

"Let's get to class" Jared says and we walk to our lockers

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hey readers, I'd appreciate if you could leave comments or some feedback thanks again for reading

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