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Today is Monday ....

After Rafaella went home from the Clearwaters household she took a shower to rinse off all the sand on her body and changed into her sleeping clothes and fell fast asleep.

The next day was Monday of course and as usual Rafaella got up from bed took a shower and changed into a black tank top and some light blue jeans and her white shoes and wore her jewelry as usual and did her make up.

By now the time was probably around 7:30 and school started at 8:00, After Jared and the rest ditched Rafaella she started hanging out with Kim but sometimes she would lie and say she was busy when she was actually meeting up with Jared but Rafa n...

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By now the time was probably around 7:30 and school started at 8:00, After Jared and the rest ditched Rafaella she started hanging out with Kim but sometimes she would lie and say she was busy when she was actually meeting up with Jared but Rafa noticed and kept her mouth shut.

R A F A E L L A S view
After breakfast I got into my car I revved up the engine and put on my seatbelt not that I needed it but you know safety first, anyways I drove into the school car park narrowly missing a car while I parked, student's were scurrying into the school because the bell was about to ring,I went to the my locker and grabbed my book's and shoved them into my backpack and walked to the first class I had which was History, after a few days passed when Jared left I decided to move seats in the classes I had with Embry, Jared and Paul, as usual I sat at the back with some other kids but kept to myself the lesson started and the teacher was talking but I paid no attention and zoned out till the bell rang signaling that it was recess.I no longer sat in the cafeteria and just stayed in the library reading books, as I made my way down the hallway I spotted Jared and behind him I spotted Embry and Paul following him around, I quickly felt my chest to see if I'd worn the necklace mum gave me and Luckily I did because the moment Jared spotted me he came and walked over.

"Hey Rafa" Jared said half smiling

"Your back" I said not amused

"What's wrong" asks Embry and Paul looks up and his eyes meet mine meaning he just imprinted on me he looks over to Jared and he just nods

"Nothing just stay away from me please" I say and walk off to the library, I can feel their stares like it's buring holes through my head but I keep looking forward and walk into the library, while I'm their I call my mum too tell her someone imprinted on me and she tells me she'll come how early.

P A U L S view
While we were walking to the cafeteria Jared saw Rafa walking out of history since it was recess and I didn't bother to look at her, Jared and Sam explained to me what imprinting was and I didn't like the idea of being bonded with someone for the rest of your life even if they were a stranger and you couldn't choose who to imprint on and I certainly didn't want to imprint on anyone I thought the idea of it was just sick and look at what happened to Sam and Leah their example was bad enough and I don't think anyone would wanna go through their love triangle, during my school years I was known for being a player and hooked up with girls most of the time because I didn't want a relationship with any girls, I know it sound's bad but what can I do I'm a guy, anyways Embry was talking and I looked up to see if Jared wanted to leave but of course not and just when I looked up I met her beautiful hazel green eyes and stared into them.

It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves... suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend.

The flashes of my imprint played in my head, a couple holding hands and laughing, walking on the beach and proposing to her, having a weeding and my family by my side to watch us be together and last of all was a baby in her hands that looked like her, I felt an instant pull towards her and a glowing heat rising through my body, she was always going to be my first priority and her safety, I'd be anything for her a protector, lover or friend as long as I was in her life she's the only one that mattered to me and everything else became second,she was now the reason why I lived, I plan on making her my wife one day and having a family with her but till then I'd do anything for her to make her happy.

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