Peak Of The Iron Palm Mountain Part 2

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Elder Jian was worried that he would die from exhaustion, so he bowed to Huang Rong and said, "Chief, Elder Peng has been disrespectful, but I beg that Chief would be magnanimous and spare his life." Elder Liang and Lu Youjiao came forward and bowed too. Huang Rong asked Guo Jing, "Do you think it's enough?" Guo Jing replied, "OK, let him off." Huang Rong said, "Elders, if you want me to spare him, fine, but you folks must not spit on me." Elder Jian hurriedly said, "The clan rules are set by the Chief, and can be altered by the Chief, we will listen to you." Huang Rong was delighted to hear that she could avoid the spitting and laughed, "Ok, go tap his accupoint." Elder Jian jumped to Elder Peng and sealed two of his accupoints, causing him to stop laughing and he panted heavily. Huang Rong giggled, "Now I can rest! Hey, where's Yang Kang?" Guo Jing replied, "Gone!" Huang Rong jumped, asking, "How did that happen? Where did he go?" Guo Jing pointed at the lake and said, "He went off with that old man Qiu," Huang Rong saw the blur figures a distance away and did not pursue, knowing that Guo Jing let him off on account of their family ties.

When Yang Kang witnessed the match between Huang Rong and Elder Jian and saw her gain the advantage, he knew that if he did not leave now, his life would be at stake, so he slipped away to join the Iron Palm Sect while everyone was concentrating on the match. Qiu Qianren saw Huang Rong take the Clan Leadership and realized that with Guo Jing's and Huang Rong's good martial arts, coupled with the numerical strength of the Beggars' Clan, it was unwise for them to stay, so he led the Iron Palm Sect members and Yang Kang off the island by boat. Some of the beggars observed them leaving, but with the ongoing match, there was no one controlling the situation, so they ignored the party. Huang Rong held the stick up and said clearly, "Before Chief Hong returns, I shall preside over all matters in this Clan. Elder Jian and Liang should lead some 8-Pocket members to welcome Chief Hong back; Elder Lu should remain here to recover from his injuries." The beggars all cheered.

Huang Rong then said, "How do you people propose we handle Elder Peng?" Elder Jian said, "Brother's offense is major and he deserves a serious punishment, but based on his merit for the Beggars' Clan, please spare him from death." Huang Rong laughed, "I knew you'd plead for him, Fine, he's already had enough laughing, so just demote him from Elder to an 8-Pocket member." The four Elders thanked her. Huang Rong said, "Brothers, you hardly meet and so must have much to say, you must give Li Sheng and Yu Tiaoxin a good burial. I see that Elder Lu is of good character, so all major matters will be decided by him. Elders Jian and Liang, please assist him. I shall take my leave now and we shall meet in Lin'an." She held Guo Jing's hand and left.

The beggars escorted them down the mountain and watched until their boat could no longer be seen before assembling again to discuss their plans.

The couple returned to the Yue Yang Mansion by dawn and found the red horse and the two condors waiting for them. Huang Rong looked around and saw the red Sun rising up from the lake; it was a beautiful scenery. She laughed, "Brother Jing, the essay by Master Fan Wen is really well written : 'The distant mountain swallows the river and is vast without boundaries. Day by day it stands majestically.' How can we not appreciate such a wonderful scene? Let's drink a few cups." Guo Jing agreed and they went upstairs. They thought of the previous night's events and laughed. They were drinking merrily when Huang Rong suddenly became angry and said, "Brother Jing, It's your fault!" Guo Jing was lost in confusion and begged, "Rong-er, please explain." She said, "OK, let me ask you, last night when we were both facing the Beggars' Clan formation you felt that your life was in danger, but why did you abandon me? If you had died could I still live? Don't you understand my heart?" Her tears fell into the cup. Guo Jing felt her deep feelings for him and was filled with love, grabbing her hand in his wordlessly. After some time, he said, "Yes, It was my fault. We should face death together." Huang Rong sighed and was about to reply when she heard someone on the stairs, when they saw each other, all three were surprised. It was Qiu Qianren.

Guo Jing quickly stood up and shielded Huang Rong as he was afraid of Qiu Qianren's murderous intent. However, Qiu Qianren merely laughed and went down. The laughter seemed to indicate surprise and panic. Huang Rong said, "He's scaring us. This is strange; I'll go check it out." She did not wait for Guo Jing's reply and ran downstairs. Guo Jing yelled, "Be careful!" He hurriedly dug out a piece of silver and plonked it on the counter before dashing out. He looked around but did not see them and remembered Qiu Qianren's vicious martial arts and underhand methods and was worried that Huang Rong might meet some mishap, so he shouted, "Rong-er, where are you?"

Huang Rong heard him but did not respond as she was closely tailing Qiu Qianren and knew that the slightest sound could betray her position. Huang Rong hid behind a wall and waited for Qiu Qianren to move further so that it would be safer for her to tail him. However, when he heard Guo Jing shouting, he knew she was behind and he too hid behind the wall on the other side. After some time, both of them heard nothing stirring and peered round the corner at the same time. They came face to face with each other and their expressions changed simultaneously.

The two people gasped and turned to walked away. Huang Rong was afraid of his palm strength but did not want to give up, so she went one big round, then used her Qinggong to dash behind the other corner of the wall. Qiu Qianren expected her to do that and he too made a circle then used his Qinggong to dash to the corner of the wall, but he went in the other direction and bumped into her again. Huang Rong thought, "If I turn around, he'd surely strike my back and I might not avoid it." She thought, "I should stall for time until Brother Jing comes." He laughed, "We met in Lin'an the other day and we meet here again. Miss, how are you?" She thought, "I clearly saw this scum last night yet he's still trying to fake it. I think I'll test him out with the 'Dog-Beating Skill'. She shouted, "Brother Jing, strike his back!" Qiu Qianren turned and saw no one, he realized he was tricked and he heard swishing sound around his legs. He hurriedly jumped and managed to avoid being hit, but the 'Dog-Beating Skill''s Trip principle is continuous like the flowing river and would continue to target the opponent until it succeeds. Though the technique is only about tripping the opponent, it contains many variations. He jumped faster and faster, but he kept seeing the stick's shadow dancing around his legs. By the 17th step, he accidentally slackened his pace and immediately found himself slamming onto the ground. He yelled, "Wait! I've something to say." Huang Rong laughed and waited for him to get up before tripping him again. He fell another five times and did not attempt to get up again but instead remained motionless on the ground. Huang Rong laughed, "Stop faking death." He stood up and snapped his belt. Holding on to his pants, he said, "Are you leaving? I'm going to let go!" Huang Rong was shocked, as she never expected a reputable clan leader to use such a dirty trick. She feared that he would really let his pants drop so she turned to leave. She heard him laughing behind as he grabbed his pants and chased her. The normally cunning Huang Rong somehow ran out of tricks and simply evaded him, finding it infuriating yet funny. He was about to catch up when he saw Guo Jing jumping out from the corner and shielding Huang Rong with his palms ready to strike. Qiu Qianren saw that this was a powerful stance so he laughed, "Ah! Oh no!" Huang Rong said, "Brother Jing, hit him." From what Guo Jing saw the previous night, he knew Qiu Qianren's martial arts level was comparable to Ouyang Feng, Huang Yaoshi and Zhou Botong so he did not dare underestimate him. He concentrated his Qi in his Dan Tian to prepare for his enemy. Qiu Qianren still held on to his pants saying, "You dolls better listen to Master here – today I ate something bad and my stomach's upset." Huang Rong repeated, "Brother Jing, hit him." But she herself stepped backwards. Qiu Qianren said, "I know what you're up to. You won't be satisfied unless old Master here teaches you a lesson. But today, I've got trouble with my stomach. Fine; listen up, within 7 days, meet me at the foot of Iron Palm Mountain. Do you dare come?" Huang Rong heard him refer to himself as Master and held her bronze needles to throw at him for talking rubbish. Just as she was about to release the needles, she heard "foot of the Iron Palm Mountain" and remembered the 4 lines of words in the painting she saw at Qu Ling Feng's place. She said, "OK, we should come to take a look. When we meet then, we're not going to play with you. How do we get there?"

Qiu Qianren said, "From here, head west, pass through Chang De, Chun District, then proceed up Chao Yuan River. There will be a 5-peak mountain shaped like a palm. That's it. That's a dangerous place; if you're afraid, then apologize to me and don't come." Huang Rong became more excited and said, "OK, it's a promise. See you there." Qiu Qianren nodded before exclaiming, "Ah!" and rushed off clutching his waist.

Guo Jing said, "Rong-er, there's something I don't understand. Please explain." Huang Rong asked, "Yes?" Guo Jing said, "This old man' martial arts are good; we're not his match, but why does he try to fool us? That day at the Gui Yun Mansion, he struck my chest. If he'd used his full strength, I'd be dead. What is he driving at?" Huang Rong nibbled her finger, saying, "I've got no idea. When I tripped him just now, he did not try to use his skill, maybe what he did with the bronze staff last night was a trick." Guo Jing shook his head, "He broke Lu Youjiao's fingers – that can't be faked."

Huang Rong bent down and used her hairpin to draw on the ground. After a moment, she sighed, "I can't figure out what this old thief is up to. Anyway when we reach the 5-peak mountain, we could find out." Guo Jing asked, "Why should we go there? We should find Master. This old man is a trickster, yet you believe him?" Huang Rong said, "Brother Jing, the painting that Father handed you was wet by the rain and some words were revealed; what were they?" Guo Jing shook his head. "The words were not complete, I can't infer anything meaningful." Huang Rong laughed "Really?" Guo Jing knew he could not have understood it on his own, so he quickly said, "Rong-er, you must know it, quick, tell me." Huang Rong wrote the lines of words and said, "The first line had the word 'Wu' missing, so it should be 'Wu Mu Yi Shu' (Yue Fei's War Strategies Manual ' 武穆遗书 '). I couldn't have guessed the 2nd line if not for that old man, so it should be either 'Mountain' or 'Peak'." She recited the lines, "Wu Mu Yi Shu, Zhai Tie Zhang Shan (The manual is at the Iron Palm Mountain)." Guo Jing clapped and exclaimed, "Yes! Let's go! The Iron Palm Sect is corroborating with the Jin troops – they'd surely hand the manual to Wanyan Honglie. What's next?" Huang Rong laughed, "That old man said the mountain is shaped like a palm, and the 3rd line is 'Zhong Zhi Feng Xia' (under the peak of the central finger)." Guo Jing said excitedly, "Yes, Yes Rong-er, you're brilliant! The 4th line!" Huang Rong said, "I'm not sure. 'Di er...jie' (The 2nd ... )." She tossed her hair in the wind, saying. " I give up. We'll talk when we get there."

They rode towards the place described and reached it within a day. They asked around but everybody shook their heads. They were disappointed and put up at an inn. Huang Rong asked the waiter but he did not mention anything relevant. Huang Rong said, "This place is boring. Is there anything worth seeing?" The waiter could not resist and said, "There's this Monkey's Claw Mountain – the scenery is unparalleled." Huang Rong asked, "Where is that?" The waiter did not reply but instead said, "Never mind," and walked out.

Huang Rong chased him and pulled him back and placed a silver ingot on the table, saying, "Tell me more and this is yours." The waiter gently touched the ingot and said, "You are sure about this?" Huang Rong nodded with a smile. The waiter said in a low voice, "I'll talk, but you must not go. That place is reputed to be inhabited by beasts and demons. Whoever goes within 5 miles of the mountain can only dream of coming back alive." The couple nodded. Huang Rong said, "The mountain has 5 peaks shaped like a monkey's hand, isn't it?" The waiter exclaimed, "Yes! So you already knew! I didn't say that. But there's something strange about the mountain." Guo Jing asked, "What?" He replied, "The mountain being shaped like a hand isn't really strange, what's strange is that every 'finger' on the mountain has 3 segments, just like our fingers." Huang Rong jumped up, shouting, "The 2nd segment, the 2nd segment!" Guo Jing yelled happily, "Correct! Precisely!" The waiter did not know what was going on and starred at the couple blankly. Huang Rong asked for more details and handed him the silver. The waiter left happily.

Huang Rong stood up and said, "Brother Jing, Let's go." Guo Jing said, "It's less than 30km from here. We can use the Red Horse to rush there now, and we can pay them a visit tomorrow morning." Huang Rong laughed, "What visit? Steal the book!" Guo Jing exclaimed, "Yes! I'm so dense, I didn't think of that." They did not want to arouse any attention so they left through the window and galloped southeast. The waist-length grass hindered their movement, but when they were 20km away, they saw the 5-peak mountain in the distance. Guo Jing excitedly said, "The mountain looks exactly like the painting; see the pine trees at the summit?" Huang Rong laughed, "We're short of a general up there. Brother Jing, go up and display your sword skills." Guo Jing laughed, "But I'm not a general." Huang Rong replied, "Isn't that easy? Eventually Genghis Khan..." Her words trailed off. Guo Jing knew what she meant and turned his head away, not daring to face her.

They left their horse at the foot of the mountain and utilized their Qinggong to scale the mountain. After many twists and turns, they came to a thick clump of pine trees. They stopped to discuss if they should continue upwards or investigate the clump of trees when they saw a faint light among the trees. They exchanged hand signs and crept stealthily towards the light. Suddenly, there was a whoosh and two black-clad armed men jumped up and blocked the road. Huang Rong thought, "If we fight them, it would be difficult to steal the book." She had an idea and took out Qiu Qianren's Iron Palm token and showed them wordlessly. When the two men saw it, they were shocked and quickly bowed and stepped aside. Huang Rong swiftly drew her bamboo stick and struck their accupoints then kicked them into the tall grass. She crept closer and saw a large stone house with two boxes on the left and right of the entrance. In the center, a large urn was burning on a stove and the burning smell was easily detectable. Two young attendants stood on each side of the stove, one of them stirring the mixture inside with an iron ladle. From the sizzling sound, it was clear that the urn contained iron filings. An old man sat close by, breathing deeply – it was Qiu Qianren. After a while, he lifted his palms then stood up suddenly and struck his palms into the urn. Qiu Qianren practiced on the burning iron filings for a while then struck towards a cloth sack suspended above. The palm hit the sack with a solid slap, yet the sack did not even move.

Guo Jing was secretly shocked, thinking, "This cloth sack is not supported by anything behind, yet it didn't move. His palm skill must be extremely good." Huang Rong, however felt that it must be a trick; if she wanted to steal the book first, she would have said so earlier. He struck his palms into the urn then struck the cloth sack again, repeating this process several times. Huang Rong just could not figure out how he did this trick and thought, "If 2nd Master were here, he'd surely guess it. I'm not as smart as he is." They peeped into the adjacent room and had another shock. Inside, a male and female seated together – it was Yang Kang and Mu Nianci. Both Guo Jing and Huang Rong wondered, "How did Sister Mu get here?" They heard Yang Kang's sweet and flattering words and discovered that he was trying to trick her into marriage earlier. Mu Nianci, however, insisted that he kill Wanyan Hong Lie first before going into a relationship. Yang Kang said, "My dear, how could you be so short-sighted?" Mu Nianci queried curiously, "How so?" Yang Kang said, "Yes! Wanyan Hong Lie is surrounded by many bodyguards. Based on just myself alone, how could I succeed? If you marry me, I could pretend to take you to visit your in-laws. With the two of us, our chances are naturally better." Mu Nian Ci felt that this made sense, so she remained silent. Yang Kang saw that she was willing and so he held her hand and gently stroke it, then stretched his hand to hug her waist. Huang Rong could not take it and wanted to step forward and expose his plan when she heard an old rasping voice behind her, "Who dares trespass my mountain?" The couple turned around and saw Qiu Qianren's face glowering under the moonlight. Though he must have been playing a trick, his menacing gaze showed that he should not be trifled with. Huang Rong was startled, then thought, "He's on his own mountain now, of course he'd try to put on airs. Yup, he already discovered our presence earlier on, so he deliberately set this up for us, isn't it?" She laughed, "Old Qiu, we are here on your invitation. Have you forgotten the 7 –day appointment?" Qiu Qianren snapped, "What appointment? Rubbish!" Huang Rong laughed, "Hmm, how could you forget it so soon? Is your stomach upset gone yet? If not, you should consult a physician before exchanging blows with me, to prevent ... hehehe!" Qiu Qianren did not respond but launched both palms towards Huang Rong's shoulder fiercely. She giggled and ignored his strike, wanting to use her Soft Armour to pierce his palms. Just then Guo Jing exclaimed, "Get down!" She felt a guest of wind and knew Guo Jing tried to intercept him but felt a heavy blow smashing right into her. She fell backwards and everything went black.

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