Sword Meet Of Mount Hua Part 5

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Guo Jing returned his salute, but did not say anything. That 'wan fu zhang' withdrew and flew to report to his commander-in-chief. About an hour or so later a group of riders bearing a large military banner came near; a young looking general came forward to the bridge. It was the Fourth Prince Tuolei. He shouted, "Guo Jing Anda [Mongolian term for sworn brother], how are you?"

Guo Jing moved his horse forward and said, "Tuolei Anda, so it is you?"

Whenever these two sworn brothers met in the past, they would always hugged each other in delight, but this time both of them held their horses' reins when they were still about five 'zhang's [about 50 feet or 15 meters] apart as if they had a prior agreement.

"Anda, you are leading your troop to attack my Great Song, are you not?" Guo Jing asked.

"I bear my 'fu huang's [Emperor Father] decree, I don't have liberty. I ask for your forgiveness," Tuolei replied.

Guo Jing swept his gaze across the field; he saw flags fluttering like clouds, the blades gleaming white like snow; he did not know for sure how many soldiers were there. "Once this cavalry attacks, I, Guo Jing, will give up my life," he thought. With a clear voice he said, "Very well! Then go ahead and take my life!"

Tuolei was taken aback, he mused, "This man commands an army like a deity, truly I am not his match; much less he and I are as close as flesh and blood brothers. How could I injure this sworn brother's relationship?" He hesitated and did not know what to do.

Huang Rong turned her head and signaled with her right hand. Immediately the soldiers in the city shot a canon. As soon as they heard the canon, the soldiers on the eastern hillside raised their voices and waved their flags. Tuolei's face changed. The canon was shot again, and the soldiers on the western hillside were also shouting loudly. Tuolei thought, "Not good! I fell into his ambush."

Tulei had served under Genghis Khan fighting to the east and attacking to the west; he had been in countless battles. What major battle he had not seen? How could this little ambush by several thousands soldiers scare him? It was because during the expedition to the west Guo Jing had demonstrated wonderful and strange warfare. Tuolei was already scared of Guo Jing. Now he saw the situation was unusual, he was afraid he might fall into Guo Jing's trap. He gave an order for his troops to withdraw about thirty 'li's and pitched a camp there.

Seeing the Mongolian army retreat, Guo Jing and Huang Rong looked at each other and smiled. "Jing Gege, congratulations on your empty city tactic."

Guo Jing smiled, but his face still showed anxiety, he said, "Tuolei is smart and brave. He retreated today, but he will be back tomorrow. How would we fight him?"

Huang Rong hesitated for half a day before opened her mouth, "I have an idea, but I am afraid you love your sworn brother too much and will not be willing to do it."

Guo Jing's heart turned cold, "You want me to assassinate him?" he asked.

"He is the youngest and most beloved son of the Great Khan," Huang Rong replied, "Unlike other senior generals, he holds incomparable honors. If the Fourth Prince dies, the troops will retreat immediately."

Guo Jing lowered his head without saying anything; they turned back and entered the city. Seeing the enemy retreat, the troops marched back to the city, still in disorderly manner. Lu Wende heard how Guo Jing made the enemy retreat simply by talking; he was overjoyed and immediately paid two people a visit at their lodgings, inviting them back to his mansion for a drink.

Guo Jing wanted to discuss city defense with him, but as soon as Lu Wende heard that the Mongolian army would be back the next day his knees weakened and he was speechless for half a day. When he finally opened his mouth what he said was, "Prepare a sedan chair, I am going home. Prepare a sedan chair, I am going home." He determined to abandon the city and head south that very same night.

Guo Jing was very depressed, he could not eat. The sky gradually darkened. He heard people crying all over the city. He was afraid that by this time the next day there wouldn't be a single living Great Song people in Xiangyang. He had seen not a few times where the Mongolian troops were on a killing spree, washing the city wall they subdued with the blood of the people. He could never take the massacre of the people of Samarkhand out of his mind. "Crack!" he slapped the table with his palm and shouted, "Rong'er, the people of old sacrificed their own family for the country; today how can I concern myself with sworn brotherhood?"

Huang Rong sighed, "This is actually a very difficult matter."

As soon as his mind was made up, Guo Jing changed into night clothing. Together with Huang Rong they rode the little red horse toward the Mongolian camp. They stopped at a hill nearby to leave the red horse then walked the rest of the way, looking for Tuolei's tent.

They caught two night watch guards, sealed their acupoints, and donned their uniforms. Guo Jing grew up among the Mongolian warriors; he spoke their language, and was familiar with Mongolian army regulations; so without too much effort they found the big tent where Tuolei slept.

It was a pitch black night; two people crouched down behind the big tent, peeking inside through the tent seams. They saw Tuolei was pacing back and forth, his face gloomy. Tuolei was muttering, "Guo Jing, Anda! Anda, Guo Jing."

Guo Jing was startled; he thought his presence had been detected. He almost opened his mouth to answer when Huang Rong, who had anticipated early on what would happen, immediately covered his mouth with her hand. Guo Jing silently cursed his own stupidity, he felt partly funny, partly mad at himself.

Huang Rong whispered in his ear, "Do it now, a real man takes the bull by the horns; wavering is useless."

Right at that moment they heard a distant sound of horse hoof galloping fast; the sound was getting closer as the rider came toward the big tent. Guo Jing knew it was an urgent military dispatch, so he bent back down and whispered in Huang Rong's ear, "I want to listen to the military situation, it won't be too late to kill him later."

They saw the messenger dressed in yellow dismount his horse and enter the tent. He bowed to Tuolei, "Fourth Prince, a message from the Great Khan," he said.

"What did the Great Khan say?" Tuolei asked. The messenger bent his knees and started to sing. The Mongolian culture had not been developed too long; although they had written words, Genghis Khan was not literate; he could neither read nor write. The decree would be issued orally; and to avoid mistakes in the transmission, oftentimes the decree was made into a song which the messenger memorized and recited over and over along the way before finally delivering it to the recipient.

The messenger only sang three lines when Toulei and Guo Jing were both shocked; Tuolei even shed some tears. It turned out that after the expedition to the west Genghis Khan got sick; for the last few days he got worse, sometimes he lost consciousness. He summoned Tuolei to go back home as soon as he could. At the end of his message he said that he missed Guo Jing very much; and if Tuolei in the south knew his whereabouts, to invite him back north and bade farewell with the Great Khan. Khan had pardoned every single offense he had committed.

Listening to this part Guo Jing used his dagger to rip open the tent. He jumped in and called out, "Tuolei Anda, I am coming with you."

Tuolei was startled, but seeing it was Guo Jing his delight was unspeakable. Finally they both hugged each other.

The messenger recognized Guo Jing, he stepped forward and kneeled in front of Guo Jing and said, "Jin dao fu ma, the Great Khan requested you come to the Golden Tent to see him."

Hearing the messenger still called him 'jin dao fu ma' Guo Jing was anxious for fear that Huang Rong would make a big deal out of it. Immediately he jumped out through the rip on the tent and pull Huang Rong's hand, "Rong'er, you and I will go together and return together."

Huang Rong lowered her head but did not say anything.

"Don't you believe me?" Guo Jing nervously asked.

Huang Rong smiled sweetly, "If you are still thinking of becoming 'fu ma' or 'fu niu' [fu ma – consort, ma – horse, niu – cow], I'll kill you with this dagger."

That very evening Tuolei issued an order to withdraw the army; they would be leaving at daybreak.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong went back to get the red horse and their pair of eagles, ready to leave with the army heading north the next morning.

Tuolei was afraid he would not be able to see his father, so he delegated his command to his second in command, while he himself sped up north with Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

In less than a month they had arrived at Genghis Khan's golden tent. From the distant Tuolei saw in front of the golden tent nine big banners were still fluttering in the wind. He knew the Khan was still well; he shouted in joy and urged the horse to run faster.

Guo Jing held his rein. He recalled Khan's generosity in raising him up; yet the same Khan had caused the tragic death of his mother. He loved and hated Khan at the same time. He lowered his head and did not say anything.

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