In The Temple Of The Iron Spear Part 5

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Huang Rong caught the real meaning behind his words, she knew he was still half believing and half doubting; she continued, "I think I still remember some of what I saw. I don't mind if you want to listen to it." Immediately she recited, "Either when the body moves, or feels heavy as if pressed by something, or feels light like it is ready to fly, or feels constricted, or feels extraordinarily cold or hot, or feels delightful or restless, or feels like touching something nasty and the hair stood on its end, or feels happy while drunk; all these things must be channeled through divine passages according to the following method."

This explanation of the Manual made Ouyang Feng's heart unbearably itch. Turned out Huang Rong recited the section Reverend Yideng translated from the Nine Yin Manual. All these strange conditions were actually the actual situations anybody who cultivated internal energy would experience; each one of these conditions was enough to intimidate the state of mind that may cause the practitioner to suffer a fire-deviation. If there was a method to channel these conditions through the divine passages; then the method could truly be considered as highly valuable. So what Huang Rong said was indeed from the Manual and not from her own random fabrication. Ouyang Feng's internal energy was exquisite, naturally he knew whether what he heard was real or fake. His suspicion was gone. "What comes next?" he asked.

Huang Rong said, "I don't remember the rest, but I vaguely remember something like this: At the time the pores all over the body are empty, right away with careful consideration examine the thirty six matters inside the body; it will be like opening the door to the barn and see various kinds of straw and peas, the heart is pleasantly surprised, and quickly becomes quiet and peaceful." First she explained the strange conditions from the Manual, and then she described the marvelous method of training; in a way she had divulged the secret method of the Manual. But Ouyang Feng was silent; he thought with her intelligence, it was impossible for her to forget, so she must be deliberately unwilling to tell him; he wondered what her intention really was.

Huang Rong continued, "My father told me to ask Uncle Ouyang: Do you want 5,000 characters, or 3,000 characters?"

"Please explain it to me," Ouyang Feng said.

Huang Rong said, "If you go and help my father, two people join forces to destroy the Quanzhen Masters. In that case I am going to recite all 5,000 characters of this marvelous 'jiu yin shen gong' [Nine Yin Divine Energy] for you."

Ouyang Feng smiled, "And if I don't go?" he asked.

Huang Rong replied, "Then Father asked you to avenge him. After you kill Zhou Botong and the Quanzhen Six Masters, I will read the 3,000 characters for you."

Ouyang Feng smiled and said, "Your father and I are just casual acquaintances, how come he suddenly places so much respect toward the Old Poison?"

Huang Rong said, "My father said that: First, the killer of your nephew is a Quanzhen Sect's disciple, so he supposed you will want to seek revenge ..."

Listening to this part Yang Kang could not help but shiver; he was Qiu Chuji's disciple, so with her words Huang Rong obviously meant him. Shagu was standing right next to him, she asked, "Good Brother, are you cold?" Yang Kang mumbled his reply.

Huang Rong continued, "Second, after translating the Manual, he was challenged into battle by the Quanzhen priests; he did not have time to explain everything to me. Thinking that this matchlessly wonderful book is difficult to find, how can he let it be lost with his demise? Nowadays you are the only one who has similar personality with him. He remembered Uncle Ouyang went to the Peach Blossom Island to seek a marriage alliance. Although your nephew was unfortunate to fall under the Quanzhen Sect's disciple, my father said you should not thinking about him too much; therefore, he wanted you to train this 'shen gong' [divine power/energy] and teach it to me later on."

Ouyang Feng felt a pang of pain in his heart; but he thought, "What she said was reasonable; if there is no direction from an expert, although this little girl memorized the Manual in its entirety it will still be useless." But then something else came into his mind, he said, "How do I know you will tell me the real Manual or a fake one?"

Huang Rong replied, "Guo Jing, that muddle-head has written the Manual for you; as I read the crucial points from the translation, you check it against your copy, then you'll know whether it is real or fake."

Ouyang Feng said, "You are right. Let me think about it; we'll leave in the morning to rescue your father."

Huang Rong anxiously said, "Helping people is like fighting fire, how can we wait till tomorrow?"

Ouyang Feng said with a laugh, "Then I will avenge your father; won't that be the same?" He had made a decision that as the Manual had already been in his hand, later on he could compel Huang Rong to recite to him the crucial points; and then he could think it over to understand the meaning. For now, let Huang Yaoshi and the Quanzhen Sect fight each other. Hopefully both sides would hurt each other; wouldn't that be great?

Hiding behind the idol Ke Zhen'E was listening to two people conversing about the Nine Yin Manual; he wondered why Huang Rong wrote on his palm 'Tell my father who killed me,' seven characters [the original Chinese was 'gao wo fu he ren sha wo,' 7 characters]; he did not understand her intention. He heard Huang Rong say, "Then we will leave early in the morning tomorrow, is that all right?"

"Absolutely," Ouyang Feng said with a smile, "Now you go take a rest!"

Ke Zhen'E heard Huang Rong drag a meditation mat over to sit nearby Shagu. "Shagu," she said, "Yeye [lit. paternal grandfather] took you to the Peach Blossom Island, how come you are here?"

"I don't want to follow Yeye, I want to go home," Shagu said.

"This good brother surnamed Yang; didn't he come to the island and took you on his boat, and come over here together?" Huang Rong asked.

"That's right," Shagu said, "He treats me really good."

Ke Zhen'E's heart was stirred, "When did Yang Kang come to the Peach Blossom Island?" He heard Huang Rong asked again, "Where did Yeye go?"

Shagu was startled, "Don't tell him I am running away," she said, "Yeye will beat me."

Huang Rong smiled, "I won't tell him, but whatever I ask you, you must answer me nicely."

"You must not tell Yeye," Shagu said, "He wants to take me back and teach me to write."

Huang Rong laughed, "I certainly won't tell him," she said, "Did you say Yeye wanted to teach you to write?"

"That's right," Shagu said, "That day Yeye took me to his study room and taught me to write; he said my father's surname was Qu Qu-something, so my surname is also Qu Qu-something. He wrote the Qu Qu-something character and told me to remember. He also told me my father's name was Qu Qu-something, something Feng. I could not remember the name. Yeye got angry and scolded me that I am very dumb. I AM called Shagu [sha – dumb, gu – paternal aunt]"

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