"Football is a Man's Sport" My Derriere. {5}

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To play this game (football) you must have fire in you, and there is nothing that strokes fire like hate.

--Vince Lombardi

Kale's POV:

I sat in the waiting room, bouncing my knees. My arm was bandaged up because I had skinned it, but other than that I was fine. Why was I still here? I had no idea. I leaned back into the uncomfortable chair and waited for some news about her. I closed my eyes.

I heard a door open in the hallway and kept my eyes closed. I felt someone in front of me.

"What are YOU doing here?" I opened my eyes to see a guy around my age, his hands balled up and his arms folded. He looked strangely familiar.

"Do I know you?"

"Yes. My name is Tyler Kane."

Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane KANE! Oh. "Oh."

"Oh is right. So what are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to see if this girl is okay."


"I'm just worried, that's all. She was nearly run over."

"You're the guy that pushed Liz out of the way!?!"

"Is Liz the pretty chick who was nearly run over by the truck?"

"This is un freaking believeable. Your brother takes my brother's legs and you save my sister's life." It's amazing how karma works out. A guy who I recognized as the football coach to our opposing football team came out into the hallway, followed by Gabriel Kane (everybody knows him), and the girl I saved. I swallowed and sat up a little straighter. She was looking at me with a mixture of emotions.

Liz walked up until she was right in front of my knees. I stood up, towering over her.

"Thank you," she said genuinly. Gabe nodded at me and followed her out while I stood there with my mouth slightly hanging open.

Thank you? I jump in front of a moving car and all I get is thank you? A hand on my shoulder stopped me from storming over there and yanking her back. I slowly turned around.

A woman, who I assumed was her mother, smiled at me kindly. "Forgive her. She's just a little pissed off at your family right now. Heck, I am too. But I just want to thank you. You didn't have to do what you did."

Okay, that was better. "Your welcome."

"Do you want to stay for dinner? It's taco night."

"Ummm..." I stalled, thinking about the looks that I got.

"We'd really like you to come. And if it turns into a fight I'll handle it."


Elizabeth's POV:

What was my mother thinking? She invited him over for dinner! Was she crazy!?!

"What were you thinking?" My dad asked again. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly, gritting his teeth.

"I was thinking that he saved Elizabeth's life and you guys were being very mean. Elizabeth, that wasn't very nice of you."

"What did I do?"

"You just said 'thank you'."

"What did you want me to do, give him a Christmas Card?"

"You could've given him a hug or a pat on the back on something!"

"That's gross!"

"What are you, five?" Tyler asked behind me.

"No, but I don't know him."

"He's kind of cute though," Sasha said.

"Sasha, that's just gross." Jayden said in a disapproving tone.

"I am sitting right here." Kale said from the back. He looked uncomfortable.

"You know what? Everybody just stop talking!" Gabe snapped. We all shut up and drove to the house in silence.

As soon as we got to the house I jumped out and walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it with the key around my neck. I ran (despite my pounding head) to my room and plopped down on my bed, groaning. My headache was getting unbearable, but I wasn't leaving my room unless absolutly necessary.

So that meant no getting medicine from the hallway bathroom.

After about five minutes I couldn't take it anymore and quietly tiptoed out of the room, avoiding Kale (for the obvious reasons), my mom (she'd get me for being rude), and Ty (because he'd rat me out).

I made it to the bathroom and sighed in relif, shutting the door behind me and rushing to the medicine cabinet. I took two Ibuprofen and opened the door carefully, peeking both ways down the hallway. The coast was clear so I started down the hallway. I was almost to my room when...

A door opened.

I froze and looked behind me, then busted out laughing.

Jayden was dressed in her little Cinderella costume, leading Kale by the hand. He was wearing one of my mom's old fraternity dresses, and when I started laughing he looked at me with a 'help me please' expression.

"You're on your own dude."

"Please? I saved your life!"

I sighed heavily. "Fine. Jay, do want to play catch?"

"Okay!" She skipped over to me. "I'll go get the football!"


"Don't mention it. Do you want to play?"


i have to go my dumb little brother is buging me about the computer i might post some later

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