Hell of a Night

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Hola my crazy mofos !! Do y'all remember me?? well i suppose not :3 So let me remind you..!! im the one who was writing a Liam fan fic called Half a heart..!!

*mind voice*

"Duh jo..!! You re so lame.. they know who you are cause they re reading the chap 5 of your fanfic :P"

Oh yeah !! sorry..!!

Okay.. i know im boring you guys but this note is to apologize to y'all for taking so long to update..:( im really sorry my dear oreos!! i guess you will forgive me cause its good friday..!! wont you?? ;)

So here is the next chap..:) i hope you ll enjoy :)

*In the hospital*

Liam's POV

I looked through the small glass pane of the door, through which I saw some things which I wont forget in my life. My best friend suffering for her life and is hardly breathing. I could'nt take it anymore, I flopped on the chair and did'nt even have a single clue of what should I do next. I somehow felt that I was the reason behind all this and the one to be blamed for it.

If you had asked me who is the happiest man just before an hour, I would've gladly said that its me cause I had finally found my long bestie, but now getting to know that she is oscilating between her life and death , just shattered my heart into bits and pieces. That image of Bella lying unconsciously midst of her own pool of blood was right in front of my eyes, no matter how hard I tried I could'nt take it off from my mind. At this point of time, my heart just needed some sort of help and strength from someone. So I took my phone and scanned through the contact list and I found the right person who could help me in such situation. I immediately pressed the call button and hoped with all my heart that the person would attend my call. After few rings , someone picked up the phone,

"Hello", I said nervously.

"Yeah" , a sleepy , deep voice with thick british accent replied.

" Zayn... I know its very late b-but" before i could finish my sentence his voice cut in with fury.

"Liam, are you fucking kidding ! Its 2 A.M for God's sake and im trying to get some sleep , so stop with the buts and come straight to the matter" Zayn scowled at me through the phone.

"Can you come to life-med hospital now? Please Zayn, its an emergency" , I asked him without breaking down in the phone.

"Mate, you alright? I'll be right there in 20 mins", Zayn said with concern.

"Okay", I said and hung up the phone.

Once again I went and saw through the door, and this time I just could'nt control it anymore. I brokedown in tears and sat on the chair which was next to me. The way how I dropped her home was taunting me again and again. I did'nt even smile or take a look at her before leaving her. Thinking of that just killed me everytime. It just reminded me what kind of jerk I am. When these thoughts kept on circling in my head I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and looked up to see who it was, its him.

"Zayn", I hugged him as i cried on his shoulders.

Zayn's POV

As soon as Liam saw me, he hugged me and started crying on my shoulders. I was really taken aback in shock to see Liam like this.

'Liam crying?'


I could'nt believe my eyes. If it was 2012 Liam I would've been totally convinced with it but its 2014 man..! He was the strongest among all of us, both emotionally and physically. He has really evolved a lot in these 3 years more than any of us, and seeing him like this made me sure that something terrible has happened. I quickly composed myself together and patted Liam's back to calm him down.

"Its okay Liam everything will be fine,just calm down" , I said in a low voice.

"No, Zayn it wont.. she has lost a lot of blood" , He said weeping.

'SHE' o.O

'Who is that she?' , My heart questioned. It definetely can't be Sophia because yesterday morning only she left to Ohio to see her grandparents. My mind was distracted in guessing who that 'she' was. I came back to my senses and realized that now its not the right time to doubt who that was.

"Don't worry mate, She will be alright", I said and rubbed his back in circles to comfort him.

As if right on cue, the doctor came out from the room and I gestured Liam that the doctor is here.

Liam's POV

The doctor came towards us with an unpredictable expression on his face. My mind kept on chanting 'Tell me that she is okay', like a broken radio.

"Are you in anyway related to the patient?", The doctor questioned me.

"No doctor, Im her friend", I said with my voice trembling in nervousness.

"Okay. She has crossed the critical stage but she lost a large amount of blood, so its advicable if she stays here for a couple of days", the doctor said with a smiling face.

Those words just relaxed me and brought me back to normal again.

"Thank you so much doctor",I smiled at him.

"Can we see her now?", I asked him curiously.

"Not now, she is still resting. We will let you know once she is awake" , He patted my back and walked away.



Actually i have two important things to say..!!

Well the first one is nothing else but YOU AND I MUSIC VIDEO ♥



So the next is a SHOUTOUT to my bff Ashar..!!

Go follow @AsharMustafa and read her awesome Niall Fanfic --> The boy of my dreams! (Niall Horan)

So thats all for now.. and hereafter im gonna update on regular basis.!! Once in a week.. Pinky promise :D :3

Dont forget to Vote / Comment/ Fan/ Follow ♥

For the next chap I need 5 votes and 2 Comments..!! Pretty please *Does the puppy dog eyes*

Love you all ♥

Stay happy :D

Half a heart-A Liam Payne fanficWhere stories live. Discover now