New teacher

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Lauren's P.O.V

I walked into class taking my seat next to Cece.

"Hey bitch"

 "What's up slut?" I reply with a smirk.

I heard loud footsteps walking into class, I looked up, where stood in front of me was a short, brown hair woman, with 5'' heals and a beautiful loose white dress which looked perfect. She looked like a teenager maybe even younger than me, but I guess you can't judge a book by its color /cover whatever one it is, (if that comparison even goes with what I'm saying right now).

"Good morning class, my name is Miss Brooke, I'll be your new math teacher from now." The tiny lady said.

So I guess math should be more interesting with a cutie like that for a teacher now, right. Lauren what the heck are you thinking snap out of it. I turn to smile at Normani who was sitting behind me, who I guess was thinking the same thing I was.

 "Mani close the fly catcher will yah."

I laugh as Mani turned red like she's been catch stealing cookie from the cookie jar. Ok I really need to stop with these lame ass comparisons. Soon I was pulled out of my trance as Miss Brooke announces we were going to start work. I tried paying attention but Cece keep poking me to talk to her cause she could care less about math, being the little rebel I am I give in.

 Math class went by quick as well as a few others; the bell finally rang which signal the starting of lunch. I exited my class and made my way to the cafeteria where I met up with Mani, Cece, Wesley and Drew. We got our lunch and walked over to our table.

Camila's P.O.V

I made my way to the table were Jennel, Dinah and Keaton were sitting having their lunch.

"Hey guys" I said as I sat next to Dinah.

"Hi hi, what's up chick?" Keaton said smiling at me.

"Nothing much keat."


"Mila why aren't you with Cece?" Jennel ask.

I glared at her, Cece and I usually sit with our own friends at lunch, a normal couple would usually sit together but I guess we weren't normal.

"Yeh dawg like you guys act like you don't even know each other." Dinah said.

"Guys come on, we talk."

"Yeh like for five seconds and that's it." Keaton said

"Aren't couples supposed to like hold hands and steal kisses and all of those other shit." Jennel added

"We do those things"

"Yeah, when you're at her house doing god knows what"

"Jennel!" I yell getting angry.

I didn't get why my friend were acting like that towards Cece, I know she's not perfect but who is. We fight a lot lately but that's what couples do right? We have our good moments, she could be really sweet and gentle with me sometimes. I love Cece she was my first everything, will not everything I still have my 'v card' which am sure everyone will be surprise to know.

"CAMILA!"  Jennel yell, snapping me out of my trance.


"Were you listening to me?"

"Sorry I was daydreaming" I said, we all chuckle.

"I was just saying that I think you deserve better than Cece, that's all." Jennel said. Suddenly her eyes widen and looked full of fear.

"Like whom should that be?"

'Oh shit' this can't be good.

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