Chapter 17 Part 2 - Date

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Camila's P.O.V

Lauren drove for about another five minutes before pulling over at the side of the road, she reached into the back seat and grabbed something black turning back to me.

"Lauren what are you doing? Where are we?" I said looking around.

The last house we past was problem five minutes back. The road started becoming lonely and there was no vehicles passing by.

"Relax camz I'm not gonna kidnap you" Lauren chuckle out. "But I need you to put this on" She said motioning to the black object which I had just realize was a blindfold.

"Lauren I don't know" I said softly not really liking this idea.

She took ahold of both my hands looking me in the eyes "You trust me?" I slowly nodded "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, please put on the blindfolds" She pleaded.

"Fine" I sigh. I turned towards the window as she tied the blindfold over my eyes.


We've been driving I guess about two minutes now till I felt Lauren's car came to a stop. She reaches out to my hand closes to her and gives it a light squeeze.

"Wait here" She instructed softly.

I heard her door opened and felt her get out before shutting the door. It was completely silent for about half a second till my door opened. I felt Lauren lean over me before hearing a 'click' I guess she unbuckled my seat belt. She took ahold of my hands again helping me out her car.

"Lauren where are we?"

"Relax camzi we're almost there."

"Lauren how the heck do you expect me to relax when the last thing I saw was a deserted ass road in the middle of God knows where and I'm frigging blindfold"

"Gezzz camz and you said you trust me, well I guess we see how true that is" She scoff

"Laur I-

"No I get it" She said cutting me off. Great Camila It's the first date and you already upset her, ugh I'm so stupid.

"Come on" She said gently laying her hands on my waist and leading me to who knows where.

We climbed three steps till we stopped all movement, I heard rattling and a door being opened. Lauren led me inside as she closed the door behind us. She repositioned her hands on my waist and led me through what felt like a corridor. We stop again as I heard rattling once more and what I think was a door being slid open or at least I hope so, next thing it's a window and she wants me to jump 'Camila shut your flying fiblets up'. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by myself gezz... As Lauren slid the door open I instantly felt a rush of cold breeze as the curtain flew all over my body and what sounded like waves being clashed together. Are we at the beach?

I felt Lauren's hands pass through my hair as the blindfold fell to my feet. I opened my eyes slowly as it began adjusting to the darkness, gasping at the sight that unfolds right in front my very eyes.

"It's not much I suck at the whole romantic thing but I uh... hope you like it" I looked at Lauren as she spoke while rubbing the back of her neck.

She's so darn cute when she's nervous, I really couldn't help the smile that broke out.

"Laur this is perfect, it's the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me, thank you" I breathe out as I embrace her.

No P.O.V

The both girls stood at the door just enjoying the tight embrace that they shared. They were in the back porch which led to the silky sand and the wide sparkling ocean reflecting the full moon. The porch was set with two couches on either side as the middle occupied a small round table, two chairs facing opposite each other as a single candle set perfectly in the center of the table eliminating the darkness along with the moon light around them.

After what felt like hours, days, weeks... ok you get the point. The both girls broke apart Lauren held her hands out to Camila as the younger girl held it as they made their way towards the couch. The both girls sat side by side as the green eyes girl place her right arm around Camila allowing the smaller girl to cuddle up to her.



"I'm sorry about earlier"

"Don't worry about it, its ok"

"You do know I trust you right? I don't know I'm just nervous"

Lauren chuckle "There is nothing to be nervous about camz it's just me" She reassured but if only she could take her own advice.

"This place is beautiful"

"Yeah it is, it's actually Megan and Chase's. It's kind of secluded so they come here when they just wanna get away from the world"

"I love it" Camila said as she looked up at Lauren, soft small smile spread across her face as the other girl mirrored her.

"Stay here" She said before getting up and heading inside, coming back a minute after.

"Look what I got" The older girl exclaim as she held a jar of Nutella and a container of strawberries.

Lauren and Camila returned to their previous position as they opened up the items. Lauren took a strawberry and dipped it into the Nutella. "Open up camzi" They both chuckled at the cliché move Lauren made.


The both girls when back and forth feeding each other with laughs and giggles and all that merry stuff till there was a knock at the front door. The older brunette departed to answer the door, within minutes she returned holding a box of pizza in her hand and placing it on the table.

"I decided why cook some fancy crap when I know you'll enjoy this more" Lauren said as she pulled out a chair and motion for Camila to sit.

The brown eyes girl took the seat but not before placing a kiss on Lauren's checks. Lauren walked to the other side of the table and took her seat. She took a bottle of wine out of the wine cooler thing and poured it into two wine glasses.

"Don't worry it's not alcoholic wine" She reassured the brunette who looked at her confusingly.

She handed a glass to Camila and rests the other on her side of the table before opening the pizza box.

"OH MY GOD" Camila screeched "Laur this is Hawaiian pizza"

Lauren giggles at how cute the younger girl can be "I'm aware of that"

"But I thought you don't like it?"

"I'm willing to make an exception for you besides I like the nutella"

"But I like that too"

The older girl shrugs "Tonight's about you"

"Camila shook her "No Laur it's about us" She said gabbing her hands.


"What you looking at?" Lauren asked as she wrapped her arms around Camila's waist from behind, resting her chin in the younger girl's shoulder as said girl place her hands over the current ones that are on her waist.

The both girls stood feet buried into the sand, cold night breeze kissing every inch of their bodies as the wind blow their long luscious hair to the side. Both girls completely wrapped up in each other as they stared at the glittering ocean before them it almost looks as if everything in this moment only happens in movies.

"Noting, just enjoying the simply things in life that God gives us alongside his best creation ever"

"I'm I suppose to be worried where is this so called best creation ever"

Camila giggle "Only if you're a threat to yourself"

"You Camila Cabello are one hell of a woman"

"Is that a good thing?"


A/N: I really wanted this chapter to be cute and all that mushy stuff but I think I just messed it up.

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