Chapter 19 - My Princess

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It’s been days since their fight which was also the last time they spoke, it wasn’t that Lauren didn’t try talking to the other girl cause believe me she did, it’s just that Camila when out of her way to avoid her at all cost.

 The last couple of days have been … will as if Lauren didn’t exist. She laid low at school, at home she was always locked up in her room and I guess it was safe to say Lauren wasn’t taking the break up well but the funny thing is they won’t even together to begin with. Lauren hadn’t asked Camila to be hers, well not yet at least but I guess now that’s not gonna happen.

It was Wednesday afternoon which meant the girls soccer team had a match which was determine if they get into the Tournament or not.

“Hey tiger, you ready for the game?” Normani said as she entered the locker room.

“Do I have a chose?” The green eye girl replied annoyed.

“Laur listen I know Camila dumb your ass-

“We weren’t together” Lauren mumbles softly interrupting the older girl. 

“Well whatever but you’re a tiger and tiger’s get what they want, don’t let any girl bring you down babe it’s her loss cause you’re smoking.” Normani said winking as she sat next to Lauren on the bench.

“I just really like her mani, it was all just a misunderstanding”

“You can get the girl, I know you can. You’re Lauren fucking Jauregui for crying out loud, just don’t give up ok” Lauren nodded “Come on get your ass up we got a game to play!”


As Lauren walked out to the field the crowd when wild, she was shock to see so many people here considering it was a school day and all but then again there was always a large crowd when the girls played.

“Laur all these people are here for us so you better turn that frown upside down and enjoy this” The dark girl said walking away from Lauren.

Lauren scan the crowd hoping to fine those brown orbs she became so acquainted with but had no luck.

“Huddle up ladies” Lauren heard her coach yell, breaking her out of her trance as she walked over to her team.

“Ok so win this game and we’re in, I know you girls can do this I have no doubt in my mind. We worked our butts of and they’re just another bump in the road to us from getting another victory! Now I want you to go out there and make me proud! Captain” Demi yelled

“Right um, you heard coach Demi I know you guys can do this. You’re the best, we’re the best and together we’re gonna kick some asses!” Lauren shouts “WE’RE WARRIORS SO GO OUT THERE AND SHOW THEM HOW WE FIGHT!”  “WARRIORS ON 3” “1, 2, 3!”      

 “WARRIORS” The whole team shouted as they ran out to the field.

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