Chapter 23 - New Friend?

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“Have you ever wonder if we all see colors the same?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like I don’t know … they say the grass is green, but what if you see it as purple but they told you that it’s green, so it’s like your green is actually purple but I see it as a different color. Let’s say we’re watching something together and we say it’s yellow but I’m seeing blue and you’re seeing red.” 

“Camz you’re really confusing me right now.” Lauren said confusion laced across her face.

“I know I’m sorry, my mind just thinks about the weirdest thing sometimes”

“Hey there’s no need to apologize its cool, I love hearing what you think I just wish I could understand it most of the times but still”

Lauren said both girls sat on the back porch swing as they cuddle up to each other. It was Friday night which Lauren and Camila spend babysitting. Lauren offered to her sister earlier to see her niece and nephew so the couple could get some time for themselves, which allowed Lauren to bond with the two little human some more alongside Camila.

The girls took them out to the park, for ice cream, to the beach till it got late out and they headed back home. The two children fell asleep on the way back which allowed the two girls to finally get some time alone for themselves.

“Do you miss home?” Camila asked

“Honestly it’s only been a day so no, at least not yet. Besides I actually like here I’ve got Emily and Nate always around unlike home where I’m always alone.” Camila just simply nodded.

She knew the older girl was trying to be strong but was hurting deep down inside and how could she not, when her own mother was treating her like the biggest mistake of her life.

“Laurie?” A small soft voice called out before the little girl came strolling out the door.

“Hey Em, come here” Lauren said gesturing to her lap.

Emily climbed on in top of Lauren cuddling up to the older girl. Camila on the girl’s right side, hands link as her face found the crook of the girl’s neck. Emily on her left as her arm place securely around the smaller girl’s waist as tiny hands wrap around her torso.

“I love this.” Lauren softly spoke

Camila placed a soft kiss on the other girl’s neck “Me too”

“Camila is really pretty” Emily whispered in Lauren’s ears.

“You think I did a good job?”

“You couldn’t do any better” Emily replied

Lauren chuckled “I totally agree with that” she said before placing a kiss on Camila’s forehead.

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