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             *at the party*

"Bye" I call out to Mrs. Winterburn ( amaras mum ). She waves to use and we head into the party. We saw charlotte walking around a little delirious of who was around her
"Charlie" I yell so she could hear my above the music that was playing obnoxiously loud.
"Thank god" she sighs " I've been walking around for a good five minutes where were you?" She query
"Just got here"
"Drinks" I yell throwing my hands up in the air. We head towards a table that had empty shot glass and red cups on. I reach into the alcohol collection to find tequila or vodka something like that. I pull out a cheap looking unbranded vodka and poured some into a shot glass for me and charlotte, skipping Amara since She didn't drink.  We took our first shot then our second, I then found some fruit juice and vodka and mixed those together. Then we mingled with some people
"Lets go party" I interacted to the lounge where people were dancing. We were dancing for 2 hours or so , Amara and Charlotte were grinding on guys for a year above. The guy I think Bradley is his name was whispering things into Charlotte ear and by the way she was reacting I think they were getting along quite nicely.
"amara I'm having such a good time" I was slurring my word but I still was drinking out of that bloody red solo cup.
"Let's get you home and some water" she advised and then took my cup and set it on the side and sat me on the sofa next to some people that were practically having sex. Amara told charlotte and then charlotte agreed.
"She's coming to your house later on" Amara told me, I nodded and waddled along as she grabbed my hand and brought me outside the house, she called for a taxi and we waited for it
"What's the time" I asked
"2:47" she replied, I then threw up on the pavement in between me and Amara she gasped then mumbled something under her breath. Shortly after the taxi arrives and we pile in and she tells the driver my address. We were home in no time.


She takes my clutch from my hand and pull my front door
"Are you mad?" I say still heavily intoxicated.
She helps me to my room and takes my shoes off (mainly because I keep tripping over), she lays me down on my bed then she disappeared into my bathroom and the comes out with a few towels piled in her hands she lifts my head up and puts a towel down so if I do vomit, I don't vomit on my bed
" I'll wait for charlotte " she whispers and leaves the room to go down stairs. I pass out. 

          *in the morning*

"Ugggggg" I moan as I open my eyes, the light was blinding, I stick my hand out on my bed side table to find the draw knob an open it, I ruffle around in there for a minute before I find my sun glasses, I then walk into the guest room and see amara still fast asleep probably still nacked (that means tired) after baby sitting me yesterday. I walk down stairs and pocked the back of someone who I thought was charlotte sleeping on the couch. I realized it wasn't just her from the male grunt when He shifted. I let out a loud scream and out popped charlottes head from behind the man and then amara is stumbling down the stairs after I just woke up
"Who the fuck is that?" I boomed pointing to the guy who was now sitting up
"Calm down it's just Bradon" charlottes says
"Bradley" he corrects her. I now notice he only has his underwear on and she only has her bra and underwear on.
"Where's your clothes" I say still shocked. Charlottes face has turned a deep shade of red and she steals the blanket off Bradley.
"It's too bright" she whines after enveloping herself with the blanket
"I guess Bradley is staying for lunch" I ask him and he nods. I walk up stairs and find some sunnies for everyone. I come back down and pass them out
*ding ding* the door bell sings then it dorms on me 'Nates coming over'.
I walk to the door and open it
"Mr. Griffin thanks for tutoring me." I nudged him in my house. Bradley was now standing up
"Bloody hell Bradley put some clothes on" Nate urges him the. Covers his eyes
"Hi girls"he waves to them still covering his eyes.
"Sun glasses galore" he jokes


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