Bye, bye birdy - 9

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       *Monday morning 4:38am*

I wake up from an a dream, this dream was where my mum was still her, she didn't run off, I could talk to her, she could listen. When I wake up from the dream that's too good to be true, I start shivering, I notice my window is open,
"Aggggh" I groan, I walk over to the open window and close it, something outside the window catches my eye
"Snow!" I gasp then slam the window shut. I trace a pattern over the heavily Condensated window before I jump back into bed. My eyes droop and I go into a state of subconscious.

            *Monday 10:18am*

My eyes flicker awake, the sun is up 'must be like 7' I think to myself, I get the urge to check my phone "10:18" it says. "Oh good lord" I exclaim. I rush to my wardrobe throwing on my school uniform and clamber down the stairs to see my dad reading his newspaper
"Good morning sweetheart" his eyes never look up from his reading material.

"Why on earth didn't you wake me!" I ask him
"Haven't you looked outside" he asks. I peer outside the kitchen window to see a thick sheet of white layered on the ground. I groan yet again.
"While you're here we need to talk" He dad says finally putting his paper down folded.
[ m= Aurora'S dad and A=aurora]

I forgot to ask how was Argentina-a

It was good-m


Let's cut to the chase, I was offered a job in Argentina, and I took it.  We're moving no matter what-m

Okay jokes over-a

I'm being serious-m

Well I'm not going I'm staying where I know. - a

"This is not up for discussion of any sort" my dad says getting up

"No I'm not moving.  Simple" I snap

"You'll be going to a by lingual school, say bye bye birdie to England" I'm told and I'm pissed off so I run to my room and slam the door as hard as possible.
'This can't be happening. I'm a good person I don't deserve this. I give to Charity, I go to church. I'm a nice person'I think, then I let out a scream.

"Yanno What? This will be a good thing, new country where I don't have to buy fake tan, new school, a new language and new people!" I say allow.

I walk down stairs and sit on the Sofa next to my dad,
"When are we going" I ask with a gloomy note in my voice.
"Christmas holidays" he says "boxes are in the garage, since you've become more keen on the idea"
"Tw-two week.  Then we're off to a foreign country" it starts to full kick in. I walk off into the garage.

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