Door '6' -3

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          *SATURDAY NIGHT*

I sat on my bed deciding whether to go or not. I pick my phone up and i read the time '4:29' it says.
"So if I get ready now I'll have like 45 minutes to get ready then the 15 to persuade my dad to take to mr. Griffins house" I  muttered to myself, mentally schilling myself for not calling him Nathan. I put on a black racer, torn jeans and a pair of white pair of trainers (Media). I take a quick peek at my phone is says 5:21. I throw my blonde waves behind my shoulders, pinning a few strands back with grips.
"dad please can you take me to my friends house please" I begged. I looked down at him to see he's closing a file
"Who's?" He asked not really paying attention to me
"He's called Nathan" I reply
"Nathan?" He pauses scratching the back of his neck "wait a second I need to finish up then I'll be right there" he says. Then I go sit in the car
"Bloody hell I hate when all he cares about is his job" I mutter to myself. About 5 minutes my dad finally walks out of the house. I told my dad the address of the apartment and We didn't speak much to him throughout the journey. We pull up on the pavement and my dad says this and swivels to face me
"Listen pumpkin, I know it hard since your mum left but she left and I didn't. So please don't be mad at me for working hard. I work hard to give you things, it's not easy being lawyer but just bare with me, okay"
"Okay, thanks again dad" I soften my eyes with my reply and step out the car and my dad drives off.  A person walks behind me
"Excuse me, is this 22 riverside?" I ask them
"Ummm yeah the entrance is over there" the person points out
"Thank you" I wave to them and the wave to me. I step in side the  building and I see a sign that says 'STAIRS'. I walk towards the stairs and I start to panic, my breathing became short so I had to sit down on the stairs half way up to the second floor. After about 6 ish minuets I compose myself then I begin my climb up the stairs. I walk to the first floor but it was apartment 1-4 so I had to had to walk up another flight of stairs. Finally after the treacherous 10 seconds of climbing the stairs I stand in front of the the door that says '6', I breathe in then out before I knock on the door twice, after the second knock door opens. 
"Aurora please come in" he says so I do so, I was a bit taken back when he didn't even say 'hi' or 'hello'.

            *in his apartment*

His apartment was simple, I walk into it and stand awkwardly in the kitchen placing my hand on the countertop
"So" I sigh
"So" he sighed
"Sir, is this about what happen on Thursday" I say but I know it was obviously about what happened. He migrates towards a sofa in the middle of a room.
"You can't call me sir out side of school, just call me Nathan outside of school okay" he says to me and I nod my head
"Come here" he says patting the sofa next to him.
"So what happened on Thursday could get me fired, but you've always had something special about you Aurora" I sit there quietly just taking in all that he's just said.
"It's okay if you've think we made a mistake " he says
"The crazy thing is I don't think we made a mistake" I say. I'm so shocked at myself I stand up and go to the kitchen. He follows to the kitchen.
"Are you 100 percent sure" he asks me
"100 percent" I say in reassuring him. He grabs my face then kisses me, first of all it was soft and as time went by it got more and more intense, it was so interment and loving.

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