Pizza - 6

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He sits on the couch where  Charlotte and Bradley slept or they supposedly 'slept'.
"I wouldn't sit there if I were you" I pull a chair at the kitchen table and bare sits down.
"Sir " I start by propping my elbow on the table and resting my head on my hand "do you mind having this tutoring session tomorrow, we're not in the best shape right now"
"Yeah of course I'll be here for six ish" he walks towards the door.
"Thanks bye" I wave toward his car as he pulls of from my driveway. I plop myself on an armchair
"So when did Bradley get here because it was just you when I opened the door last night" amara questioned charlotte
"I'm pretty sure he came about 20 minutes later"
"So what actually happened on my couch" it was my turn to ask her a question
"I really don't " she replied honestly.

I pick my phone up and dial
01332 *****
"What are you doing" Bradley inquired.
"Getting food" I put my finger over my mouth to make them be quiet
"Hi" "yes please can I have a medium vegetarian,  two  pepperonis" I stop and mouth to Bradley 'what do you want' and he mouthed back 'meat feast'
"And a meat feast" I tell the pizza place my address and name for our delivery to come. I remove the blanket from the couch and wrap it around me
"What movie" I query flicking through the potential selections of movies to watch
"I really like the Hannah Montana movie" Bradley jokes
"Really" charlotte asks if he's being serious. He lifts his eyebrows
"Ohhh" I say patting the couch like a Baby " let's watch the conjuring". Everyone agrees and we start the movie. Thirty -ish minutes into the movie the doorbell rings. I go to see who it is.

I open the door and I see Tate standing there. On a side note Tate is my ex boyfriend from earlier on in the year, he's two years older than me, we had a messy relationship it was hard when I broke it off but some things just have to be done. Back to the main story as I recognize the face I shut the door,
"One of you get over here now. It's Tate" I whisper. Both of them come rushing over and opened the door I stood still behind the door
"Oh Tate hey"Amara said
"I see you have our pizza" charlotte carries on
"Urrrrr where's Aurora gone" he asks looking behind them while handing them the pizza
"How much do we owe you" amara urges
"21.60" he tells them
"Wait a second" amara runs to find her clutch she pulls out 25 pounds
"Here keep the change" she says pushing the money into his hands
"Tell Aurora we should talk" he manages to spit out before the door is shoved in his face.

"What was that all about" Bradley laughs as he gets handed a pizza.
"We broke up a month or so ago and he's a tad clingy" I explain "and I sorta had enough when he kept asking to ummm... yanno"
"I'm not to keen on him he thinks he's the best on the team" Bradley tells me
"Oh you're on the football team" charlotte asks
"Sure am" he replied.
"On to another" Amara starts
"What the deal with you two?"
"I think we should date and get to know each other first in till anything goes any further then a drunken party" Bradley request
"Yeah no offense but I would never just sleep with guys I don't know well, for all I know you could have and std" charlotte agrees
"No taken and I don't have any STDs" he follows up

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