Notes - 2

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"Hey Hun" amara waves, I wave back
"Thank god it's Friday" I say exhaling, I've not told a soul about what happened last night I want to but I wouldn't do anything to jeopardise mr. Griffins career, it's not worth it. I'm so confused because on one hand I really want it to happen again but on the other I could imagine anything worse.
"Ughhhh I have English next" I groan as amara and I sit down on some benches
"A couple of days ago you were all hyped up about it"
"I know" I shake my head " a lot has changed since them"
"Hello hello" charlotte welcomes us
"Good bye good bye" I say with an unreal amount of sarcasm
"Debbie downer" she whined
"Form" our form tutor calls out and we all flow towards the door

              *IN ENGLISH*

I put my hood over my head as I walk into the classroom that holds some dirty secrets.
"Miss Ummm... smyth" he starts
"Coats off in this class room please" I nod then walk to my seat. Jack didnt show which was the biggest pain in the arse because I had no one to talk to so I just daydream out the window and fiddled with my hair. I suddenly chime in when I hear someone clicking in front of my face and saying my name
"That's enough Darcy thank you, nice to have you back aurora" I blush with embarrassment "some of these books have stick notes on read them to see who's they are and some might have a sticky note inside the front cover because they might have been damaged in the past" mr. Griffin explains. I get passed a book that  is called 'Atonment' I see a pick corner of a sticky note pocking out the side of my book. I open the front cove and it says
' apartment -6.   22 riverside
North park
5:30 pm   Saturday
   Nathan '
I read the note with utter confusion, why have I been given 'Nathan's' address then it clicked that was mr. Griffins first name 'Nathan griffin'
"So class, some of you have been given Post grand books level book, but it's nothing to worry about" 'Nathan' tells the class

            *LUNCH PERIOD*

I was really happy when lunch came around just so I could share some gossip I heard earlier about a year 10 being pregnant, when I finally tell them the gossip amara reaction was "wow  they're still children" charlottes reaction was " bless her heart her vagina is gonna be ruined and she's gonna have really saggy boobs" then charlotte text loads of people about it but you're not supposed to have your phone so I'm shocked she hasn't had it taken off her yet, we sat in silence until charlotte gets a phone call "hello" "yeah I'm with her now" "who told you" I'll ask her" "ok bye"
" so.... aurora" she says
"Yes" I reply
"I hear you went and spoke to 'sexy Nathan' after school yesterday?" She questions me
"Yes, I did, and we talked about me taking English at uni. And are people actually calling him 'sexy nathan'" I answered
"Yes and is that all you talked " she said quite quickly, a smirk developing on her face
"Yes" I slowly told her
"So plans for this weekend?" Amara asked changing the subject
"I hear Conner mctuflry is having a party this Saturday" charlotte says
"Cool, aurora you in?" I'm questioned
"What time" I say because I wasn't paying attention to them
"Probably like 8, 9"
"Maybe". I was planning out the worst scenarios, I guess it will be fun having a teacher as a little fling, the secrets, the sneaking around it will be fun. I have always been the ' taking life by the balls' type of girl so I was always looking for an adventure.

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