Everythings good-8

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Amara's name is now aria just cus yeah

"Tutoring was fun" I whisper to him my lips just touching his ear. He grabs hold of my waist spins me around just as he leads in for a kiss my front door opens. I get dropped.
"Oh my god"

"Charlotte" I say getting up and walking over to her. Her face has shock written all over it
"Nathan no offence but you need to leave, now" I direct him to door
"Nathan" Charlotte shouts
"Ummmm mr. Griffin" I correct myself.
He leaves and i see charlottes hands on her head repeatedly saying "what the fuck, what the fuck"
I sit her down and we begin talkin
C= Charlotte}
What the fuck - C
What- A
When did that happen - c
When did what happen - a
Did play stupid I just say you and fucking mr. Griffin necking on- c
Right so- a
Right so what -a
I tell her everything, we then called aria and told her the whole thing, I thought it would be a lot easier to tell my friends then It was because I was afraid they were going to judge me but thank god they didn't.
"I have a new found respect for you but I'm disgusted in you" aria says with a grim look on her face
"Thanks you I guess" I say.
"So have you banged?" Aria asked
"No" Charlotte and I both exclaim, aria raises her eyes at Charlotte
"I was just guessing" she says dipping her head
"Your guess was one hundred percent and and truly without a shadow of a doubt correct" I tell them both. And on a sort of Cue the both roll their eyes.
"Well have you played baseball" Charlotte wonders
"What the hell, no if we were seen out he would get sent to prison for like child molesting or something" I tell them
"No I mean what base have you gotten to" aria corrects
"On like second, so, so, SO close to third" I whine
"I would fuck him" Aria adds
"Aria" I shout through the phone then hang up on her. She immediately calls back
"I'm just kidding he's not my type"
"He everyone's type are you kidding me" I laugh.
"She's telling the truth" Charlotte says.
My dad walk in the front door
"Hey girls" he says
"Hey mark" Charlotte says, I've always been closer with her because we've known each other since nursery and we've been inseparable ever since then.
"Hi dad"
"How are you guys today then" he says
"Nothing, Everything's good" I tell him quickly ushering my dad out the room and into his study

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