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~~~~~~~~~~Trigger warning~~~~~~~~

<<One more cut, one more bloody jagged line across my wrist. One more bloody, jagged, pain-filled, tear-inducing cut down the tender flesh of my thigh. One more cut, one more bloody word carved in my wrist... one more, one more, one more. They tell me to stop but it's hard to stop once you've started it's hard to stop the one thing that has taken away your pain so many times before. It's hard to stop the thing that caused you so much pain yet so much relief, it's hard to stop the one thing that reminds you that you are still alive. One more, one more, one more, one more and then you see the white flash before your eyes. One more and the blood is running out of your arm and thigh faster than normal. More pain than you have ever felt, the tears falling from your eyes mix with the blood running from your wrists and thighs. They puddle below you as you lay in your blood and tears you let out a noise that is a mixture of pain and the sweet relief of one more cut. One more, one more, one more. One more just may be your last one>>

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