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<<We wish we could change, go back in time, to the people we once knew. But that is now forever gone. If maybe we would have caught them in time we could stop ourselves from robbing our own mind. We used to be kind, innocent, smart but we were dumb enough to let ourselves rob our own mind. Rob it of its innocence it's kind and smart heart... and after that day we changed for good never to see our past selves again. Forever changed from the people we once were we didn't stop it in time. Life fucked us all over some worse than others, forcing us to change forever Forcing us to never be the same to put up walls, to protect ourselves to never let anyone in. Life doesn't know we didn't know, that once those walls are up they never come back down. No matter who you say you trust or who you say you love. You lie to keep how broken you are hidden from the world. We wish we could get back the people we once knew>>

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