chapter 2

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Victoria sat quietly at the table and stared down at the plate in front of her. There was food on it but she hadn't eaten any of it because she didn't have an appetite. All around her people were chattering but what she found herself noticing was the conversation that Riddle and his group were having, She couldn't quite hear what they were saying but small snippets. Riddle would ask a question and they would answer without hesitation. The girls in the group were gazing at Tom longingly. Victoria found them to be ridiculous, how were they so easily fooled by good looks and a few well-placed words of flattery? She wouldn't ever be able to understand it. She did, however, sometimes find herself admiring the power he held.


"Abraxas, the girl that you squabbled with, who is she?" Tom asked with mild interest. 

Abraxas looked at him and felt his throat close up and he found it hard to speak. "Her name is Victoria Gravine. She's a pureblood, she prefers to spend her time alone. She studies often and so far she hasn't shared any personal information with anyone I know, including her roommates." He said trying to think what kind of information his master wanted. "Every Tuesday evening at 6 pm she goes to the lake and practices spells, I've seen her keep 3 spells going at once." 

The last sentence caught Tom's attention. "How curious," he said and sounding disinterested when in fact he was intrigued. He turned to look at whatever his followers were all staring at to find them looking at the person in question.


Victoria sat and contemplated whether it would be suspicious if she left already when she suddenly felt eyes on her, She lifted her gaze from the plate and saw Riddle's followers looking at her. She rolled her eyes and then as if on cue, he turned to look at her as well. The two locked eyes and neither of them wanted to be the one to look away first and show weakness. She glared at him meanwhile he admired the flames that danced through her eyes. 

Someone at the Gryffindor table accidentally dropped a plate and it broke with a loud noise and it caught everyone's attention, except Victoria and Tom, their focus wasn't deterred even when everyone began to laugh at the poor boy. He smiled brightly at her suddenly and her eyes dropped to his lips. Her eyes began to change color, they were turning just a little bit lavender but then they turned a very light brown color. He found it fascinating, he wanted to know what the colors meant. 

She lifted her hand and made a flame appear, it turned into the form of beautiful wings. Tom's eyes couldn't help but fall down to it. He wasn't impressed but she managed to distract him. she stood up before he had time to look back up to her eyes. She walked towards the doors and left with only one person noticing she was gone. 

He looked to where she had sat and noticed the plate of untouched food. He needed some way to get her on his side, she was powerful and smart, but to his dismay, he couldn't use his looks on her, she didn't swoon like everyone else, there was no hint of her having any attraction to him, so he needed another way. He made a note of the plate and thought that he could maybe use that, he needed to get close to her to see what affects her, maybe it will be something so simple as affection and caring.


The transfiguration class had started 10 minutes ago. Behind her, the door opened and Dumbledore's gaze lifted from the paper he was looking at and he spoke, "Mister Malfoy, you're late. No matter, you can sit next to Miss Gravine."

Abraxas looked at her in disdain and reluctantly sat next to her.

The lesson was only about what they would be learning for the year and once Dumbledore was done explaining he smiled and gave them the rest of the class to converse.

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