chapter 1

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The wind was cold as it blew against Victoria's cheek. She was about to board the Hogwarts express just like she did each year. Her luggage was held in a charmed bag that could fit anything that was put inside of it, which in this case wasn't much since she had only taken the necessities, She didn't want any reminders of her life at home.

She sat alone in a compartment, and her eyes held a steely gaze directed towards the other students who were buzzing with life and excitement. She saw in her reflection that the appearance of a flame flickered in her red eyes, she had seen it a thousand times. She didn't quite know why her eyes were the way they were. She only knew they changed colors according to her emotions, though she hadn't seen many variations of color, mostly they were the same three blue, purple, and red.

She turned away from the window and closed her eyes. There was not much she could do for the time she was on the train. She supposed she could study, but she had been doing that since she had gotten the books from Diagon alley. All she could do was think, but the thought was unappealing.

The door opened and a group of third years took one look at her and relaxed. She opened her eyes and looked at them with a gaze as sharp as a needle. The third years scrambled away, they were uneasy. Of course, they knew who she was and they had seen her before, she had seemed very kind and helpful, one of them had even spoken to her. They hadn't ever heard her be hostile.

The group left the door opened and she didn't feel the need to close it. She looked out of the window once again and there was still the same view of exited people and some sad goodbyes, there were proud parents, and there were relieved parents. The same view every year, but this time her eyes focused on a tall boy who was standing alone with his back straight and the same disgust in his eyes that she held for the people rushing around. It was Tom Riddle and she was not surprised that he looked perfectly put together as he always had. She couldn't deny that the boy was a wonder, he was powerful and he was smart, he was the school's golden boy, but still, the other students feared him.

Tom turned his head towards her and they made eye contact and her eyes bled from red to a very pale brown colour. She was no longer angry, she felt calm, her mind was silent, it hadn't been for years and she loved it. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw the color change, he didn't recognize her. He felt a spike of anger rise in his chest and grip his heart when she wouldn't look away. What right did this girl have to stare at him without fear?

"Excuse me can I sit here miss?" came a quiet shaky voice from behind her. She turned her head towards it and saw a small young girl, she was very near crying. Victoria smiled and hoped it would encourage the girl to be less anxious.

"OF course you can dear. What's your name?" She said softly and the girl seemed relieved but her body trembled and her lip quivered.

From outside Riddle saw her head turn and a gentle smile form on her face and soon a young girl that could only be a first-year student stepped into the room. Riddle looked in wonder when she spoke to the girl and placed her hands on the fragile human's shoulders. He was intrigued by her actions, he didn't know why, after all, he had seen it a hundred times before, so why did this girl awaken his interest.

"Don't worry little one. You're fine here, I'll help you. My name is Victoria," Victoria said to the girl and reached to touch the girl's shoulder.

"I-i'm Lilianna," The girl said quietly but a little less fearful than before. 

"Well, Lilianna, which house do you want to get?" Victoria asked with a bright smile and Lilianna smiled back weakly.

"I want to be a Hufflepuff," She exclaimed excitedly and she started going on about how her parents had both been Hufflepuff and they had met in the first year and become best friends. Victoria listened politely.

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