Trouble with Pirates - Chapter 2

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A few warnings:

- Important to know, this may contain spoilers for people who are not up-to-date with the manga and anime. I don't know what is going to happen, this is just my take on it.

- English is not my first language. (first language is Dutch!)

- Not a quick writer, I work fulltime at the moment and when I am free from work I have some independent studies I have on. I mostly write on weekends and during breaks at work.

- I Don't own Naruto or One piece, they belong to Kishimoto and Oda. (if I did own them, Asuma, Jiraiya and Ace would still be alive, also Jimbei would already have joined, cause he is awesome!).

- The story is set two years after the war in Naruto and after defeating Kaidou in One Piece. Some characters may seem different, that's because I have trouble to really nail them down. That is also a reason why I did a time skip. I want to thank everyone who has favorited and is following this story. I get happy every time a new person decided they wanted to follow me. So again, thank you.

- Editing done by RisingNight from fanfiction, making it much better for everyone.

Reading Guide

"Gaki" Biju talking

'Gaki' Biju thinking

"Hello" Person talking

'Hello' Person thinking

"Gaara stared up at the half full moon" Flashback

-Elemental Countries - Place

(30 Minutes Before)

Chapter 2

- A lake near the coast of Thunder Country -

A fisherman was contently watching his fishing pole, reclining in his chair as he enjoying the sunny weather. He was very happy about his catch so far, ten fish in less than an hour. Although the reason he was happy was less because of his amazing fishing skills and more due to the sake bottles he was able to sneak past his all-knowing and unfortunately all-seeing wife. He couldn't help smirking about that particular fact. He leaned back, looked up into the sky and took another sip of sake.

He was still looking up when he saw a giant thing made of what appeared to be wood go flying over his head. "What the!?" He yelled as he shot up and tried to get a better look. Looking more closely he saw the bottom of something. If he didn't know better he would say that it was a ship. A ship with wings on both sides. . . He shook his head and blinked his eyes again. 'It's probably the sake making me see this.' He slapped himself on the cheek and rubbed his eyes and before taking another good look. The ship was still flying and it was currently nearing the lake and, well, landing for lack of a better word. 'Ships don't 'land.' It can't be.' The ship crashed in the lake causing a huge wave that sent water flying everywhere. The fisherman's mouth fell open as he did a double take. The ship in the middle of the lake was way too real. He took one look at the sake resting next to his seat, picked it up and turned it upside down, spilling all the left over sake. 'No more drinking for me, it isn't a ship, the thing causing the huge crash is probably just some shinobi fighting. Yeah that's it. Ships can't fly, they don't have wings, me and my strange ideas, no wonder the old lady doesn't like it when I drink.' He began to chuckle. 'It's time to go home.' He turned to pick up his fishing gear when he suddenly heard someone shouting.

"OY WAIT!" He heard someone shout from the direction of the ship that he still refused to acknowledge existed.

'He can't mean me, it's probably for one of those shin. . .' he thought. "OLD MAN?!" The same voice shouted.

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