Chapter 7

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A few things first
- Okay, I know you were waiting for a long time. And I don't have any real good excuses except for writer's block. So if you want you can hate now….
- I do hope that I kind of made it all better with my longest chapter ever, over 7,000 words.
- However more words, also means more mistakes in grammar and such, I apologize. I noticed the verbs are switching past to present, I will fix it in the morning. I just want to publish this and go to sleep.
- I still don't own any of the Naruto or One piece characters. But I kind of hope they might make it in to a movie though. I don't need to have the money though, but I won't complain either.

Reading Guide

"Hello" Person talking

'Hello' Person thinking

-Elemental Countries - Place

(30 Minutes Before) Time

~blablabla~ Fight switch

Chapter 7

The days of travelling passed very quickly. The ninjas are still not too keen on trusting the pirates yet, especially Sayuri has trouble accepting their help. She even goes so far as avoiding the group completely. The pirates still continued being polite to her, understanding as they are. They believed her first impression of pirates are one of the worst and difficult to reverse, still they occasionally tried their best.

Shikamaru and Robin were busy developing a plan of attack. They told each other's strengths and weaknesses, although they weren't as liberal with their weaknesses. It is always handy to have the greater advantage, so the things that weren't glaringly obvious, they kept to themselves.

Robin told Shikamaru what she learned about the Blackbeard fleet, how they fight. Blackbeard has two commanders with their own crew. Recently a fourth ship has joined them, but they aren't as strong and part of the crew yet. According to the triplets, who are among that ship, no commander has been appointed to that one.

Robin was reading the report, Ino made from the triplets containing the information of the Blackbeard pirates.
"In total there are ten 'people' in total who we should be worried about and people is used here very loosely", Robin said. "First of all Blackbeard, which you know about already. Next you have Jesus Burgess, we met him earlier at an Island when he tried to gain the devil fruit, we now possess. Lafitte looks like a mime, he has a devil fruit that lets him create wings and fly around. He has a cane, which may contain a hidden sword like Brooks does. He is known for being able to hypnotize and being extremely cruel."

"So it is important to keep him on the ground?" Shikamaru thought.

"Next we have Van Augur, he is the master sniper of the crew. He can't use Haki, last I heard but he is nicknamed Supersonic so he may have a devil fruit earning his nickname."

"Usopp-san is your master sniper, right?

"Yes he is, it decided then. They also have a docter. Doc Q. Ironically enough, he is sickly himself and rides a horse who doesn't look much better. He wields a scythe, earning him the nickname of Shinigami."

"I understand. And Further?"

"Shiliew, used to be a righthand of a highly secured prison. That was until Luffy broke in to said prison and left with some inmates to save his brother. Shiliew killed the prison officers in the end and Blackbeard offered Shiliew a place in his crew. He is a swordfighter and is said to have super human endurance."

"It might be logical to pair him up with our own swordfighters then." Shikamaru said while looking at Zoro and Sasuke.

"I don't think I can stop Zoro from fighting another swordsman." Robin said jokingly. "Next is interesting, Sanjuan Wolf. He is a giant among giant. He was from the highest level of the prison, he was erased from history for his crimes. That's probably why I haven't heard of him before he escaped his prison cell. He is very cruel but can also be shy, strange combination."

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