Trouble with Pirates - Chapter 3

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Few things first:

- I want to thank anyone who has left me a review. You have no idea how happy that made me. The same for every person who favourited or is following me. I LOVE it!

- Still not a quick writer, I work fulltime at the moment and when I am free from work I have some independent studies I have on. I mostly write on weekends and during breaks at work.

- I Don't own Naruto or One piece, they belong to Kishimoto and Oda. (if I did own them, Asuma, Jiraiya and Ace would still be alive, also Jimbei would already have joined, cause he is awesome!).

- The story is set two years after the war in Naruto and after defeating Kaidou in One Piece. Some characters may seem different, that's because I have trouble to really nail them down. That is also a reason why I did a time skip. I want to thank everyone who has favorited and is following this story. I get happy every time a new person decided they wanted to follow me. So again, thank you.

- Editing done by RisingNight, making it much better for everyone.

Reading Guide

"Gaki" Biju talking

'Gaki' Biju thinking

"Hello" Person talking

'Hello' Person thinking

"Gaara stared up at the half full moon" Flashback

-Elemental Countries - Place

(30 Minutes Before)

Chapter 3

- A village in the North of Lightning Country -

Two girls walked hand-in-hand in the village that was their home. They had just gotten back from visiting their grandparents, they hadn't expected the village to change so drastically. The smaller girl, who was only ten years old, had aubergine hair which she wore in two pig tails and teal eyes. She had a petite figure befitting of her age and was wearing shorts with a pastel green colored t-shirt. She was crying and being comforted by the voice of her older sister.

"We will find tou-san, Akiko-chan. He's alright and probably fled before all of this happened," her older sister Sayuri comforted her.

Sayuri had long light amethyst colored hair which she kept braided in a high pony tail. Her eyes were the same shade of teal as her sister's. She was seventeen years old and wore her hitai-ite from Kumo not as a forehead protector but rather as a necklace. She sported a mesh shirt and a violet colored jacket that hugged her body and was slightly revealing when combined with the mesh shirt she wore.

As they were walking through the village Sayuri was checking for chakra emissions but she hadn't managed to feel anything yet. She couldn't feel any chakra from the mysterious assailants either, which was something to be grateful for. If they were still around. . .

All of a sudden they heard crude laugh emanating from behind them.

"Zehahaha, you should pay closer attention to your surroundings, you didn't even know we were following you!"

Akiko and Sayuri whirled around to see several menacing people. The one that had been laughing wore a long black coat, a black hat and dangerous aura hanging around him to complete the package.

"What do you want?" Sayuri demanded as she nudged Akiko to go stand behind her.

"I'm a simple man and I want simple things. I want power. To get power I'm looking for powerful opponents to face, do you know of any strong people around here, girlie?" Blackbeard asked.

"Are you pirates?" Sayuri asked.

"You ask if we're pirates? You don't recognize me? Now you've gone and hurt my pride, girlie."

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