Trouble with Pirates - Chapter 5

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Author Notes:

-This isn't a new chapter, sorry. This is just the new and in my opinion improved chapter.

- I want to thank my Beta, Risingnight for doing his magic on this chapter as well.

- He changed a view lines at the end and that coincides what some of the reviews said about this chapter.

Chapter 5

- Jihiro's Home –

While Franky was working on the ship, Usopp was busy working outside the house on his weapons and seeds. Jihiro, who was outside with Usopp, was wondering what he was doing and what those strange seeds that he used as weapons were. He personally thought a knife might be more useful.

"Okay, I added more range to my catapult and it's even more accurate now," Usopp declared proudly. "Nobody can hide from the mighty warrior Usopp!"

"Yes, every farmer should be shaking on his knees before your wonder seeds," Jihiro responded sarcastically.

"Do you doubt me, sir?" Usopp asked in a low voice.

"I just can't see how seeds constitute a dangerous threat to your opponents. Don't they usually need over six months to just sprout?" Jihiro questioned.

"Mine don't, they come from one of the most dangerous islands of the Grand Line. I survived there for over two years and collected the seeds of its most dangerous plants. Would you like to see for yourself?" Usopp asked with a mischievous voice. Jihiro nodded his head, still not quite believing the long nosed pirate.

"You see that tree in the distance? I'm going to hit that to show my accuracy skills and then my attack seed will pop there so you can see how cool they are," Usopp declared.

Usopp took aim, but suddenly they felt tremors in the ground. "Usopp, is that your attack already?" Jihiro asked. The tremors became more pronounced, and that was the moment Nami chose to run out of the house along with Brook, Chopper and Suki. Nami looked east and saw a dust cloud evolving a few miles away.

"There's something coming our way in the distance, and it's going incredibly fast. Usopp, can I borrow your binoculars?" Nami inquired.

Usopp handed over his binoculars without complaint. Nami took a single look and was shocked by what she saw.

"I see three figures moving incredibly fast, and one of them is Luffy. The other two are unknown. To be able to keep up with Luffy is nearly impossible, so they're probably strong. It seems like our captain's in trouble again and he's being chased," Nami reported with a sigh.

"Are those other two wearing headbands of some sort with a symbol on it?" Suki asked, worried about getting in trouble for housing pirates.

"One of them is, it's this weird spiral with a triangle." She knelt down and began drawing it in the sand.

"That's the symbol of the Hidden Leaf, what are they doing across the border? They must be elite ninja of some kind to be allowed to cross the boarder like that; I doubt that the Hidden Leaf is stupid enough to risk the peace," Jihiro concluded.

"No matter who they are, we can't allow them to hurt our captain. Fortunately our captain is able to withstand certain attacks. Heat ball! Cool ball!" Jihiro and Suki looked upwards with open mouths as a dark cloud grew above the area.

"A little closer, just a little closer… Thunder Tempo!" Nami shouted as she thrust two thunder balls towards the dark clouds. There was a big thunder strike and Usopp peered through his binoculars to see if it had any effect. He still saw Luffy running towards the house but the other two figures appeared slightly burnt, and they had stopped running. 'We saved Luffy for a change,' Usopp thought.

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